Chapter 29: My dearest Saint

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[Saint's pov]

As I float in the vast emptiness of space, my gaze is fixed upon the broken and shattered planet before me. Its surface appears to be scarred and ravaged by some catastrophic event, leaving it barren and lifeless. I can't help but feel a sense of sorrow and despair as I contemplate the fate of the Latex creatures that once inhabited this desolate world. These beings were newly summoned to the mortal plane, only to have their lives cut short after mere hours of existence. Their tragic fate serves as a stark reminder of the path that I have been set upon.

The enemy ascended beyond your control,  or was that all your intention?

I am but a tool in the hands of my master, a being of immense power who has tasked me with the solemn duty of scouring the entire universe for relics that threaten the balance of existence. It is a mission that requires me to be ruthless and unrelenting in my pursuit, leaving behind a trail of destruction and desolation in my wake. As I continue to stare at the lifeless planet below, I am reminded of the sacrifices that I must make in order to fulfill my mission.

They have managed to demolish whatever we made, but you're failing to comprehend.

Though it may seem cruel and heartless, I know that my actions are necessary to preserve the delicate equilibrium of the universe. For better or for worse, I am but a small cog in the grand machinery of existence, and I must fulfill my role to the best of my abilities, no matter the cost. Despite the mayhem that has occurred, I would continue to pursue the dreams of individuals I met along the road who are judged worthy of having their goals and ambitions come true. I'm wondering how many dreams I can accomplish with the road I found myself in leading me to a massive significant threat that might cost me my life.

If they can, they will easily butcher you whole, while you're blinded by your depression.

O' cosmic worm, my mighty master. Is this the destiny that nature has chosen for me? Is this your premise? Was the pandemonium entirely your intention? Is the chaos that has been unleashed upon the universe all part of their grand design, or is it merely a side effect of my own actions? I am but a humble servant, after all, and I cannot hope to understand the mind of a cosmic worm. And yet, I know that I must press on. For the sake of those who still hope and dream, I must find the strength to face whatever trials lie ahead, no matter how great or terrible they may be. For the sake of the universe itself, I must do whatever it takes to see my mission through to its bitter end.

I have gotten to the point where I'm just too afraid, that you're going to meet your end.

In a surreal moment, a celestial voice echoes in the void, followed by a distant shriek - surely my master, heeding my call. A portal materializes before me, and the gargantuan cosmic worm emerges, undulating and gyrating through the cosmos, adapting to its new environment. Eventually, the Devourer of Gods alights, gazing down upon me with an all-knowing eye. "I have heard your pleas, my child," it intones, "and I have observed the changes within you. Despite the corrupting influence of the Malware, your resolve to eradicate it remains unshaken. Perhaps I underestimated the power of this insidious force, which has even been able to influence a demigod such as yourself. I surmise that you seek answers regarding the path that lies before you." With that, the cosmic worm awaits my response, and I nod in silent acquiescence. As I struggled to vocalize my thoughts, a realization hit me that my voice was still nonexistent. But the celestial realm answered my silent plea as a voice, both divine and soothing, reached my consciousness.

My screams echo out through the fire, and your rival dares stand in my way.

"Do not fear, my Saint. I empathize with your predicament. Despite our powers branding us as malevolent, your heart is as pure as mine." The cosmic worm spoke, acknowledging my demigod status. "Is it correct to assume that you are inquiring about the methodology of eradicating the Malware while it is still lodged within Lui?" queried the cosmic worm, to which I nodded in assent. "If there exists no alternative, then the fate that befell Prima - my cherished comrade who sacrificed himself to vanquish the Malware - may be the only viable solution. However, I am consumed with apprehension for Lui's well-being, as he currently endures an insurmountable amount of anguish and misery in his quest for freedom from both the Malware and myself. It pains me to consider this, but killing Lui may be the only means of ridding ourselves and the mortal and immortal planes of the Malware's vile influence. Despite my reservations, I implore you to destroy the Malware, even if it means ending Lui's life." As the cosmic worm explicated the situation, I was overcome with a sense of despondency, and my ears drooped in response to the unfortunate predicament I had found myself in.

Yes, this is a hardship most dire.

"I perceive that another question is currently occupying your thoughts. Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but is it about the potential aftermath if you are unable to vanquish the Malware?" inquired the cosmic worm, to which I silently affirmed. "Assuming that the Malware requires the dream state as a conduit to transfer into your being, I implore you to bestow Lui with the cosmic power and knowledge stored within the artifact you presently hold. Provide Lui with the remaining duration of your sanity, and through that, the cycle unfortunately shall repeat once more. The cycle that Prima had endured, now bequeathed upon Lui. May Lui not forfeit his life in eliminating the Malware definitively," solemnly intoned the cosmic worm, and I once again nodded in assent.

And one day, you will heed what I say.

The cosmic worm urged me to act promptly, instructing me to intercept Lui without any delay. He reassured me that he would remain to witness the consequences of the planet's destruction. I nodded in compliance, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I found myself standing by the entrance of the tower, observing Lui getting up from his trance. It was evident that he had just returned from his dream state.

Now for the awaited duel. Go easy or not. You're no small and weak.

[Scott's pov]

Emerging from the dream state, I realized that I was standing next to Doctor K, as I had been before Lui sent us into that illusory realm. "You and your companion appeared to have drifted off in a standing position. Despite my attempts to engage you, it seemed that you were both deeply entranced. I presume that it was the dream state induced by the Malware, which has evidently returned and grown more potent than ever before. I now deeply regret bringing that insidious entity back to life..." Doctor K lamented, his paws covering his face. It was only then that I noticed he was without his signature gas mask.

I observed that Doctor K was experiencing a bout of sadness, and proceeded to place my paw gently on his left shoulder. Given the gravity of the errors he had committed, it was all I could do to provide my support by way of this gesture. However, a sudden epiphany struck me, prompting me to dash towards the glass window overlooking the surrounding offices. Peering down, I witnessed the alarming sight of Lui being ambushed by a green Protogen, presumably the fabled Saint, whose actions could very well prove fatal for Lui.

With impressive force, the Saint flung himself at Lui, sending him sprawling onto the floor. Despite this setback, Lui rebounded with lightning speed, delivering a swift kick that sent the Saint tumbling away. Remarkably, the Saint regained his footing effortlessly, all the while brandishing an object in his right paw. In a stunning display of power, he lifted his left paw heavenward, and from the entrance at the base of the tower, an amalgam of Black and White Latex began to spill forth, coalescing into a gargantuan mass in the sky. This spectacle ignited a sudden realization in me: the lower levels of the tower must have been cleared, making it safe for us to access them!

Swiftly turning around, I caught sight of John offering solace to the tearful Doctor K, patting him consolingly on the shoulder. "Hey, John, could you do me a favor and escort Doctor K to his office downstairs? We're in the clear to descend now. I'm going to make a dash for the water filtration plant a short hop from here to check on Colin, Puro, and Prototype. I have to make sure they're okay and extricate them from whatever the Saint has planned. Could you keep an eye on Doctor K for me in the meantime?" I rattled off before hurtling towards the stairwell door. With a forceful push, I burst through and made a beeline for the lower level.

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