Chapter 12: Black dawn pt. 1

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[Scott's pov]

I immediately opened my eyes as I feel myself strangely being pulled to the ground. The pulling sensation on my back disappeared as soon as I got my eyes opened, and I feel the cold floor underneath me. Am I lying down? I slowly got up from the floor, sitting up right as the darkness around me welcomes me into the unknown land. This is the dream state realm, but why am I here? I carefully stood up on my two hind legs before turning around. Void fills the surroundings, and there isn't a single light.

Then all of a sudden, a figure of a Protogen appeared in the distance. A pair of glowing green LEDs appeared on the Protogen, presumably eyes. The figure stepped closer, and the Protogen revealed to be wearing military fatigues. "Sergeant Frost, this is Lightning Bug three-zero-three. I have connected with one of the targets through the dream state connection. You may now proceed with locating the exact coordinates of the target in real time. Over."

"Roger that. Now proceeding with the location of the target. Do not faint in the dream state or else the connection will be severed and the target will wake up." I heard the Protogen talk to someone on their radio. They're using the dream state to locate me, and I didn't know there's more into the dream state than just performing a software upgrade. How are they even connected to me? How did I fall asleep out of all times? Last thing I remembered is I'm on a parachute, and now I'm here. They must be using some kind of technology that can further enhance the usage of the dream state. Since I am already here, all I have to do is just knock the Protogen out.

I casually took a couple of steps forward, moving closer to the Protogen with glowing green LED eyes. "Hey. Don't even try something else. Don't even resist. After all of this, you'll be in a better place and we will be sending you back home. That is, if you cooperate." The Protogen warned me as I walk closer and closer to him. The Protogen appears to be confident, but at the same time he's at edge. "Let me show you how the dream state really works." I stated before reaching out behind my back to pull something.

I then felt the handle of a blade on my right paw before pulling it out. I held the handle of the blade with both of my paws, and the red blade of the sword glows brightly. "I may have lost the other half because my brother broke it from stabbing another Protogen, but what's better than to relive the time that it's still a whole? It's the Muramasa, if you will ask." I stated before dashing towards the Protogen at an incredibly high speed. I noticed the expression of the Protogen change in panic, and it tried to reach out for something on it's pocket.

Unfortunately, I am faster than the Protogen. With my red glowing blade aimed forward, I thrusted the sword into the abdomen of the Protogen. The Protogen groaned in pain and terror as the blade drives deeper into their abdomen, and green blood pools on the floor. "Goodbye." I stated before forcefully pulling the blade out of the Protogen. The action was cut short by my eyes opening into the real world. The Protogen must have fainted from the sword thrust, which lead to me waking up. I've done that, but now where am I?

I sat upright and found myself in a room. A Protogen is standing by the door of the room, and it is holding a sniper rifle on one paw. The Protogen has a skull painted on it's visor, almost covering the entire thing. The Protogen is wearing a black cloak. I didn't notice that the Protogen had already acknowledged me waking up until the Protogen spoke to me. The skull paint is covering most of the facial expression of the visor. "You. You're finally awake. We found you parachuting down from your crashed ship, and your last known location is the suburbs. We found your parachute on the top of this building, and you're being tended by some lovely elderly couple. Enemy, or ally?"

The tone of the Protogen is intimidating to the point that I forgot to reply, only staring at him before being interrupted by a sound of a gunfire from the distance. "Forget it. Come with me if you want to live." The Protogen reached into his cloak before pulling out what appears to be a pistol. "Take it. You need something to protect yourself with against the NOAs." The Protogen stated as I stand up from the bed before reaching for the pistol and taking it from his paw.

I took out the magazine from the pistol, examining the number of rounds present in the magazine before sliding it back in and cocking the pistol. "Let's do this."

"Charlie, this is Ghost. How copy?" The Protogen with a skull paint on his visor spoke on his radio, and the person behind the radio spoke back. So his name is Ghost. "I heard you, Ghost. This is Charlie, what's your status?"

"Target is awake and secured. Requesting RV on the church by the woods for extraction of the next target. Over, and out." Ghost spoke on the radio before looking at me with his glaring expression through the skull painted visor. "What can I call you, soldier?" Ghost asked as he puts his paw on the knob of the door. "Call me Scott." I replied and Ghost turned the knob of the door, pushing the door open. "Scott, welcome to Dawnfire. This is operation Black Dawn. Let's move out." Ghost immediately steps out of the room with his sniper rifle aimed on his front. I followed out of the room from behind.

Operation Black Dawn? I wonder what that is.

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