Chapter 13: Black Dawn pt. 2

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[Lui's pov]

Crap, why does this have to happen? I was expecting a warm welcome, but not like this. Where is the peace in this planet? My parachute snagged on a tree branch on my way, dropping down from the sky from my crashing down ship. The parachute eventually got stuck on the tree branches of one of the trees of the forest, leaving me suspended up in the air. I tried taking the strap of the parachute bag off, but it is strapped on tight on my body. It left me no choice but to try and sever the straps of the parachute bag.

I looked down as I attempted to cut the straps of the parachute bag with my sharp claws. The ground is too low for a safe distance landing, and the drop will sprain one or both of my foot paws. However, I'm left with no choice but to take the risk. Here goes nothing. I cut off the straps of the parachute bag with a quick slash, and gravity pulled my body out of the entanglement of the straps of the bag. My body slid down from the loosened straps of the bag, and I was met by my terrible fate on my way down.

I settled on the ground with a wrong landing and wrong footing. The drop did lead me to injure one of my foot paws, and I curled up on the grass in pain while holding my injured foot paw with both of my paws. I eventually got myself up, slowly standing against the side of the tree. I have to keep moving, they might be chasing after me. I took a step forward, but one of my legs reacted to the pressure of the ground. It hurts, but I must keep moving.

[Scott's pov]

Moving through the streets and requiring to duck and cover on any objects, I kept my pistol close to me. I watched as Ghost aims down on the scope of his sniper rifle, taking returning fire on the enemies ambushing us. I took a peek from the cover, and I noticed the church being not too far from us. We only need to charge through the enemy lines, and we should be by the church. If only I can help them, but I unfortunately don't like using guns. I looked down to the pistol that I am holding, observing it close before tossing it to the ground.

I pulled out a knife from the sheath of the blade attached to my belt. I held the knife with my right paw, and the blade glows brightly in red. Sparks of electricity appearing from the blade. The remains of the Muramasa of my brother, damaged and reduced into a mere knife. At least, it still functions well. I might have to radio Doctor K later to report about the current situation, and thank him for bringing my brother's blade back alive.

Time to murder these enemies with my brother's blade. I hopped over the crate that was acting as my cover and I recklessly charged foward towards the enemies. My visor scans and detects any incoming bullets, and I ran diagonally to dodge any incoming bullets. Reaching one of the Protogen enemies, I slid down on the floor and slashed the legs of the Protogen. The Protogen fell on the floor, and I stabbed on it's back before moving to another. I ran for a Protogen before sliding down and slashing the legs once again. The Protogen dropped to the floor, and I stabbed on it's back. This is fun.

[Lui's pov]

I see a church in the distance, and gunfires I can hear to my left and behind me. They're definitely after me. If only my leg isn't injured, I would've been able to move faster to reach the church. Then I felt a bullet graze against my left arm, bruising it as the bullet lands on a tree. I can't fight back at this state. Why must we be put at this point? I wonder how Scott is doing now. I hope he isn't put in this kind of situation.

I then suddenly tripped on a root of a tree, and I came rolling down the hill before crashing against a hard object. My back hit a giant boulder, and it hurts. I quickly recovered from the crash, and I limped further towards the church. My body aches and stings in pain. My left arm bleeds and my leg is sprained. Oh please save me from this agony. I eventually reached the premises of the church, and I felt a sense of relief. The sense of relief soon fades as a thought of realization passes through my head. A Protogen wearing military fatigues is blocking the back entrance of the church, and their gun aiming at me.

"No sudden moves! I'll shoot if you try anything stupid. We both will walk out in one piece if you cooperate." The Protogen threatened me, and I have no choice but to comply. I raised both of my arms into the air despite my left arm hurting from the bullet grazing onto me earlier. The Protogen held his radio close and was about to speak when the door of the back entrance of the church opened, followed by arms wrapping around the head of the Protogen. The arms held onto the head of the Protogen before twisting the head, breaking the neck of the Protogen.

Unfortunately, the action led to the dead Protogen firing a random shot that hit my left arm. I groaned in pain as the he body falls to the floor, and the figure standing behind the now dead Protogen is another Protogen. The Protogen is wearing a black cloak, and the visor of the Protogen is painted over with a skull. "Enemy or ally?" The Protogen asked and I shook my head. "Do I look like an enemy to you? I just got here in... In your world, and I really need your help with these wounds." I replied, barely holding together.

The combination of a bruise, a gun shot, and scratches from my trip down to the church. My body aches so much, to the point that I will faint anytime soon. "Understandable. Come inside. You'll die out there."

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