Chapter 31: You're in my way

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"You are what you believe in. That day is today, you have found who you truly are. You are Lui, the end of the cycle and the end of the Malware. My Saint has bestowed his powers to you as last resort in destroying the Malware. This marks your first step in obtaining your true self. What you do with your powers after defeating the Malware is up for you to decide."

"I don't need this power, nor do I desire any connection to you. I'm sick of being stripped of my true self. I'll return this power to you, even if I have to push you to crush you."

"Wouldn't you want to keep it for yourself? It will also be a huge mistake if you are to fight a God like me."

"I don't care who you are. It doesn't change that you will be my enemy if you refuse to remove my powers from me. You watch and see."

Upon opening my eyes, I observed the Saint standing motionless beside me, seemingly unconscious. My attention was drawn to the sensation of stickiness coating my right paw, and as I examined it more closely, I was astonished to discover that my own blood was flowing profusely from the wound and completely coating my entire paw. It dawned on me that a latex rod was still impaled in my body. Utilizing my newfound profound abilities, I instinctively lifted my right paw and seized the latex rod, which in turn descended back into the ground, liberating me from its grip. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I summoned my Muramasa by utilizing the blood trickling from my right paw before plunging it into the stomach of the insentient Saint.

The Saint's consciousness was jolted awake by the piercing blow of the Muramasa, and he began to liquefy and reshape his form to mimic that of the Malware. While undergoing the transformation, the Saint gripped the Muramasa embedded in his abdomen with his left paw, causing the weapon to shatter into countless pieces within seconds. Sensing the impending danger, I balled up my left paw into a fist and hurled it towards the Saint's visor, hoping to thwart the metamorphosis. Alas, my strike was met by the Saint's right paw, and in that fleeting moment, the transformation was complete. The Saint had been transformed into the Malware.

"Thanks to you, Lui, I now possess the power of transformation and the abilities of the Cosmic Gods. My gratitude knows no bounds," declared the Malware with a sinister smirk, his grip on my paw unyielding. Seizing the opportunity, I summoned a fresh Muramasa on my right paw using the blood coursing through my veins, and plunged it once again into the Malware's stomach. The Malware recoiled in agony, releasing my left paw from his grasp. Swiftly withdrawing the Muramasa from his abdomen, I watched as the Malware clutched his wounded midriff in agony.

"This body doesn't feel right. This body melts to endure wounds, but why do I feel my life slowly draining away. Don't tell me that the Saint isn't immortal and only exists to wield Cosmic powers. Lui, give me back your immortal body!" The Malware roared as he inched closer to me. With eyes shut, I harnessed the full might of my body and my newfound profound abilities surging through my veins, clutching the Muramasa with both paws. "I am done being robbed of my self. I won't let anything stop me now. I'll crush anything that gets in my way."

I sprang into action, charging at the Malware with determination blazing in my eyes. The Malware tried to defend himself by crossing his arms in an "x" formation, but my might was too much for him. I slashed my Muramasa through his arms, causing him to yelp in agony. In retaliation, the Malware raised his left leg and aimed a swift kick at my abdomen, sending me hurtling through the air. However, I quickly regained my composure, landing nimbly on my two hind paws and steadying myself for the Malware's next move. With lightning-fast reflexes, I deftly dodged his attack and retaliated with a swipe of my tail, striking him from behind.

The Malware wasn't finished yet, and he quickly countered by leaping away from me and launching a barrage of White Latex rods. Swiftly, I dodged each of the incoming projectiles with ease as I summoned a Red Latex dagger from my bleeding wound on my right paw. Without breaking my momentum, I infused my left paw with my own blood and conjured another Red Latex dagger, which I hurled at the Malware. The Malware was caught off guard and was struck on his right shoulder by the blade. A pained hiss escaped his lips as he clutched the red dagger lodged in his flesh with his left paw and yanked it out.

"I'm done playing games with you. It's time we play with what we truly are, Lui. Do you know what you are, Lui?" declared the Malware, taking measured steps towards me while cradling his wounded arm and abdomen. His words jolted me out of my reverie, and I relinquished my Muramasa. "What I am?" I inquired, my attention riveted on his every move. Suddenly, I sensed an object protruding from the top of my head, and my reflexes prompted me to reach out with my left paw to identify the source of the sensation. As I touched it, I realized it was a solid object lodged in my scalp.

"I'm just a Protogen doing what needs to be done. Can you tell me what this thing is on my head?" I inquired, racking my brain to identify possible causes. The Malware's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "What you have there is a demon horn, Lui. It appears that your left horn has sprouted first, and the other one is yet to emerge to complete the pair. You see, you're no longer just a Protogen. You have become a demon," he stated, watching me relinquish my grip on the appendage in disbelief. "Demon horn... I suppose you could refer to me as a demon, as that's how I am perceived by everyone except my comrades," I said resignedly.

Without further delay, I lunged towards the Malware, brandishing my Muramasa with both paws in a piercing stance. The Malware responded by lifting his left paw and initiating a spell, but my instincts enabled me to anticipate his move. With lightning-fast reflexes, I neutralized his spell using my mental prowess and immobilized him in a state of shock. The Malware remained rooted to the spot, unable to comprehend how I had outmaneuvered him and countered his attack before he could execute it.

With a flick of my wrist, I conjured a pair of Black Latex paws that grasped the Malware's legs, immobilizing him further. Despite his futile attempts to break free, I plunged my Muramasa into his jugular, eliciting a gush of crimson that stained his pristine white fur. As his Protogen visor's LED lights flickered, the Malware attempted to utter his final words, but the blade had damaged his voice box, reducing his words to a robotic, stuttering murmur. "E-even in death, I shall not be d-defeated. I will n-never be vanquished. I shall return," he muttered, defiant to the very end.

As the Malware succumbed to his fate, I grasped his head in my left paw, retrieving my Muramasa from his neck with a swift tug. I heaved a sigh of relief as the blade in my right paw melted into a pool of molten Red Latex beneath me. "It is finished. The curse that plagued us is now vanquished, and your torments will no longer plague us," I murmured to myself, cradling my injured right wrist with my other paw to stem the bleeding.

As I pivoted on my heels, I heard the soft rustle of footsteps closing in on me from behind. A quick swivel of my head revealed the familiar faces of Scott and Doctor K, flanked by Colin and Puro. Puro darted towards me, wrapping me in a tight embrace and dousing himself in my blood. "My hero, Lui! We've missed you!" he exclaimed, beaming with delight. Scott approached me, his right paw extended to inspect my newly sprouted demon horn. Colin lingered in the distance, waving his paw at me in a show of admiration. "Just like Prima, you have defeated the Malware," Scott proclaimed, withdrawing his paw from my sight.

My primal senses were abruptly awakened, signaling to me that something was amiss. Reacting quickly, I retrieved a crimson blade from Scott's knife holster, dislodging Puro from atop me in the process. Upon turning around, I discovered Doctor K standing beside the lifeless Malware, his attention fixed upon it in apparent fascination. Wielding the red dagger with confidence, I pointed it menacingly at Doctor K and issued a stern warning: "Lay a hand on it and I'll sever your extremities." Despite my threat, Doctor K remained stoic and unresponsive, his countenance betraying no emotion.

"Colin, Puro, would you be so kind as to escort Doctor K from this location?" Scott's authoritative voice commanded, and his loyal comrades promptly heeded his call, ushering the deranged Doctor K away. As I exhaled a long breath, the red blade slowly lowered from my grip, the adrenaline finally subsiding. "I pray that this marks the end of our trials with the Malware. The doctor's obsession with it has caused us no small amount of trouble. Let us hope he does not resurrect it once more." Scott spoke with a mixture of relief and concern, his arm affectionately draped over my shoulders. "You truly were magnificent in there, Lui."

"However, we are not yet finished. Might I request a canister of gas and a lighter?" My voice rang out, with a note of determination that belied any sense of weariness.

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