Chapter 15: To live peacefully

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[Lui's pov]

I gently reached out for the walkie-talkie sitting on my bedside table before holding it close to me. I pressed down a button. "Doctor K, this is Lui. Do you read me?" I asked before staring at a blank wall, waiting for his reply. "This is Doctor K. I read you well, Lui. Scott told me that you're now melting because of the severity of the damage, and I assume that the failsafe has been triggered. He also has filled me up with the major details of your journey, and how it's now a scattered mess. How are you feeling now? How did the failsafe perform?"

"I am feeling a little better, but I unfortunately can't feel my fur and my skin underneath. I guess the failsafe did its job in protecting me from attackers with Scott being the first to be blocked from my dream state. I have a few questions for you. The failsafe mentioned something about my predecessor and his predecessor, and his anger towards someone I could assume would be you. Who's my predecessor? Who's his predecessor? Why is he all mad at you, him claiming how you placed him into my head?" I asked, and a moment of silence followed. I sat on the bed for a good minute, and the radio chattered.

"I've expected this moment to come, but I've never expected it to be so untimely. I... I made you using a sample of DNA which came from someone we all know dearly, Prima. You are of a lesser version of him, but you still carry out his one ability to melt himself and endure any forms of damage. As for the failsafe, he used to be a destructive being. An amalgamation hungry for science and discovery. It would be a waste to lose such a valuable asset in the fields of science, so I modified the remains I can salvage from the fried components of his Protogen body, and turned him into a failsafe."

Prima? The dead Protogen buried at the pond? Am I his brother or his son? "So it's true. All of what Scott has told me back then. You're obsessed with science. You just don't know when to stop, do you? You could've let the past failsafe die. Why did you have to put it in my head? What does it have to do with me?" I complained with my tone loud, annoyed in disbelief.

"I have done many bad things, I know. But all of this will benefit us in the end. Trials and errors leading to the success. A perfect clone of a Protogen that doesn't melt! A human-less Protogen that does not melt! I am growing tired with all of my previous experiments leading to them melting. Don't you find it amazing that we can make a perfect new life? It will be a huge discovery and a break through in Science!"

He is definitely mad. This is the first time I have heard of him speak like this. Is this his true colors? "Look, I know you value this soon to be new science discovery, but you have to help us first. I thought I would be satisfied with the answers to my questions found here, but I'm sad that it turned out to be different than I was originally hoping. You need to help us escape this planet. It's a chaos in here, and I don't want to die away from home." I stated before being followed by a moment of silence, and he soon finally spoke.

"I'll try helping in anyway I can. Your main priority would be to gain control over a military radio tower so you can connect to the specific radio frequency that I will be developing specifically modified for this act. After that, I will be able to hack through the communications and will stand by to temporarily sabotage the controls of every devices. You and Scott will hijack a ship and severe the communications of the ship for it to not be affected by me sabotaging all devices. You'll signal me to sabotage the communications, and then you two will start the ship and escape. Got it?"

"Got it. When shall we start?" I asked, and I heard a cough behind the radio before a reply. "When you get your hands on a military radio tower."

[Scott's pov]

Standing by the center of the church, the church is bustling with different kinds of activities. A group of Protogen is sitting by one of the pews and are talking loudly, occasionally exchanging jokes and laughing out loud. Another group of Protogen is sitting by the pew close to the podium, and they seem to be cleaning the guns sitting on the floor beside them.

Another group of Protogen can be seen cleaning the floors and pews of the church with mops and blankets. Then there's Ghost, the ominous cloaked Protogen standing next to the podium with another Protogen. The two are talking before Ghost suddenly turns to look at me. Ghost brings up his right paw and gestures me to approach them, and I did what he asked me to do. I approached Ghost as the Protogen next to him walks away. Ghost was staring, or glaring at me as I got closer. It creeps me out. "What do you need me for?" I asked.

"Weapons cache for the New Order Alliance, and we're going to infiltrate their weapons dealer to steal their weapons cache for ourselves to use. That way we have a greater winning chance against the New Order Alliance when we infiltrate them." Ghost stated before looking at me from head to foot paws. "Are you sure about using knives instead? It would be terrible to lose you too early." Ghost asked and I raised my right paw before giving him a thumbs up.

"Don't worry about me. I prefer melee over bullets. One more thing. After this, do we get to live peacefully?" I asked and Ghost shook his head.

"This planet and it's society revolves around chaos and vengeance, and power. No such peace lasts for long. History tells about this planet being a dead drop for weaponry and military personnel, then pirates invaded. Broken society was built, and it extends up to this day. I want to change everything by first getting rid of the New Order Alliance, but no guarantees that there will be no war. War, war never changes."

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