Chapter 9: Shipping ships

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[???'s pov]

"Lieutenant, this is Sergeant Frost. Do you copy?"

"I hear you loud and clear, Frost. Do you have anything to report?"

"Affirmative. Our comms is detecting a certain distress frequency, and my team up here at the tower is currently decoding the frequency. I will-- Lieutenant, the distress frequency is the distress signal from the missing escape ship that is supposed to arrive at our planet. Ship name, Kilo seven-four-four. Last update from the ship is the rendezvous from two years ago on planet named, Earth. Lieutenant, what will be the awaiting orders?"

"Sergeant, thank you once again for a detailed report. I will be sending a squad of four for recon of the location of the distress signal. Frost, you will be monitoring over the squad of their recon. Over."

"Roger that. Frost, out."

[K's pov]

I sit back on the ground, amused by the sight of a technology of a relic past working. The box with a label of distress signal emits a beeping sound, and the LED light bulb is glowing red with life. Scott is shocked himself when the box ran to life, and so as Lui. The wind wooshes, and the dust settles on the sand.

The sun glows brightly down on us as we sit on the sand, surrounding the beeping box. "Yes! I finally made it work!" Scott cheers out in joy, celebrating his success on making the distress signal box work. Lui on the other hand, is as calm as I am. Lui brings out an umbrella from the duffle bag he is carrying, and he gently opened the umbrella. The umbrella is shading himself from the sun. "Lui, aren't you surprised by this box running to life?" I asked and Lui shakes his head in denial.

"I don't find technology interesting. Sure, you could present me a giant working robot, but I'd praise the robot for it's size rather than how it works. I'm interested more about seeing my own pure race." Lui stated and he sighs before opening the duffle bag he is carrying wide. "Are we supposed to do this? Can't we talk them down once they land here? They're Protogen, after all. Can't we take them hostage instead?" Lui asked as looks at me with his Red LED eyes painted on his visor. I glanced at the beeping box before looking back at Lui.

"Unfortunately, there are no other options available at our disposal. We have no other choice but to unleash the Latex in the jars in your duffle bag. Plus, we don't have know the estimated time of arrival of the ship that detected the distress signal." I explained before letting out a sigh. I wish I could've planned this better, and thought of a better plan to eliminate the crew of the incoming ship. I then noticed a ship descending down from the skies. It looks... The same size as the escape ship Scott pulled out yesterday. Scott noticed the approaching ship as well, and he immediately stood up before waving arms at the approaching ship.

[Lui's pov]

I stood up as the ship land draws closer to us, and Doctor K stood up as well. The ship eventually lands close to us, and we slowly approached the ship. The ship slowly opened it's doors slowly, and a silhouette stepped out of the ship. Now's my chance! I immediately reached into one of the pockets of my jacket before pulling out a taser and I ran for the silhouette. The black silhouette slowly revealed itself to be a Protogen, and it is aiming an assault rifle at me. Thinking fast, I quickly slid down on the floor of sand.

I kicked the legs of the Protogen, causing it to fall. I quickly stood up and pushed the end of the taser against the head of the Protogen before pressing the button, tasing the Protogen in the process. The Protogen shook from the eletricity, letting out a groan before lying on the floor unconscious. I let out a sigh before noticing Doctor K and Scott standing in place, both petrified from what I have just done. I raised my right paw to wave at them, and Doctor K pointed his right paw at something close to me.

I quickly dodged to my left before turning around and seeing another Protogen step out of the ship. The Protogen is also holding a rifle, but the rifle isn't aimed at anyone yet. I immediately shoved the rifle, and the Protogen flinched in return. I pushed the taser against the Protogen, and the taser fired into life. The Protogen fell on the ground, shaking before lying on the floor comfortably. I curiously stepped into the ship, and I noticed that the interior of the ship is cramped. Two seats are stationed at the front, and another two on each sides of the interior.

I noticed a rather uncomfortable bunk bed at one of the sides of the inside of the ship, and a Protogen sleeps on each bed. I slowly sneaked closer to the two Protogen before tasing the one on top first, then the one below. "Sierra sixer-one-one, give me a sitrep. Over." I heard radio speak out from one of the Protogen lying on the bunk bed, and I quickly examined both Protogen before finding a walkie-talkie on the Protogen lying on the bottom bed of the bunk bed. I took the radio from the sleeping Protogen before randomly pressing one of the buttons, in hopes that I got the radio unmuted.

"This is Sierra... Sixer-one-one, the... White Wolf and two Protogen are civilians, although we... We have zero clue as to why a random small group of civilians are in possession of a box emitting the distress signal. May I request the name of the- uhh... The target that we are searching for? Over." I replied as calm as possible, thinking of the military vocabularies that I might use from the book I have read.

"Sierra sixer-one-one, you are tasked to recon the area for the target. The target is a ship named, Kilo seven-four-four. Please examine the box emitting the distress signal, and radio back with the confirmation if the box belongs to target. Over."

"Roger that, and out." I answered before sitting on the floor of the interior of the ship and letting out a sigh. I never knew talking to a stranger can be this stressful, especially if it is a military personal.

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