Chapter 1: Getting Stuck

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Reader's POV

"Dang, I'm bored." I looked up from the keychain I was busy crafting. It was a rainy day, cold, and the perfect day to stay indoors and just take it easy. I had nothing to do, so I started to make a keychain out of thread-like material using a pattern that my sister taught me to make. I had probably been working on it for an hour, so you would think that my hands would have been tired by now, but since I do a lot of crafting, they've been used to the amount of work I do on a daily basis. I set the keychain down on a couch side table next to me and lower my headphones.

"I wonder what I could do...I don't really feel like doing the keychain anymore, how about some coloring?" I continue to say to myself, no one was home. My sister was at her boyfriend's house, and both my parents were at work. I get up, walking over to a coloring book bin and crouch down, flipping through the many books. "Actually, I don't feel like coloring." I stand up. A lightbulb goes on in my brain. "Oh, I know! I can watch some MHA!" I recall leaving off around that time when class 1-A is versing class 1-B in that training course thingy in season 5. Man, no matter what, that is always such a good anime, I run upstairs and to my room, grabbing my laptop with various anime stickers on it. I open it and boot it up, and sign onto Hulu. I sign into my account and scroll to my continue watching section. I click MHA and start to watch.

About 20 minutes go by, meaning a whole episode, and my thoughts are corrupted of I wonder what would happen if... scenarios. I wonder what would happen if Eijiro was here, in my room. I get up to get a blanket. Man, I wish he was here! I grab it out of my ottoman and turn around, only to see a large hole of light spawn in the center of my room, on top of my rug. It was probably 4 feet wide, by the looks of it. W-What the!? I'm sorry, but did I have a quirk of my own that I had no clue of knowing!? I stopped dead in my tracks. However, I did manage to close my computer, I have no clue why though. Suddenly, a familiar red haired head emerges from the light. The head is followed by a neck, torso, arms, legs, and feet. The light closes, leaving Eijiro Kirishima, the one anime boy I probably have the biggest crush on, on my rug, looking around to see his surroundings. He then sees me.

"Who are you, and what am I doing here?" He asks, getting into a fighting stance and activates his quirk. I don't respond right away. His hair was bright red, and his eyes...they were even brighter in real life! They were like the color of a perfect red tomato. "I'll try this again, who are you, and what are you planning on doing with me?" It snaps me out of my trance, now getting back into reality and not some fantasy.

"O-Oh, right! I am Y/N L/N, and to be honest, I have no clue how you got here. Sorry if that confuses you, but I think you're just as confused as I am myself." I say. "Sorry if this doesn't help..." He deactivated his quirk and relaxed into more of a normal standing stance. I debate what to ask. I think I should ask him his name, even though I know it already.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima. Nice meeting you!"

"Okay, well hello Eijiro. Wait, you don't mind me calling you that, do you?"

"I don't care, you can call me whatever you want. Say, you aren't a villain are you?" He asked me.

"No." I say.

"How can I be so sure about that?" He questions.

"I don't know, what do villains tend to do?"

"Threaten anyone who's a hero."

"I'm suspecting you're a hero?"


"And I'm not threatening you right now, am I?"

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