Chapter 6: A Family Meeting

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"Hello? This is the L/N Business Company, how can we help you today?" My mom picked up the phone.

" uhm, just a quick question, is there any possibility our family may have come from a different...universe?" I ask, nervously. There was a moment of silence behind the receiver.

"Why do you ask, darling?" She says, slowly, as if she's choosing her words with caution.

"Cause, uhm, I kinda sorta sprouted wings...and a halo...and a character from one of my favorite anime is here with me now..." I sheepishly explained. I glance over at ei, who flashes me a smile.

"Well surely they can't be physically with you as of this moment, can they?" I hear her laugh.

"Well..."I begin. I lower the phone from my ear and decide to put it on speaker, that way so Ei can hear as well. I lay it down on a pillow. "I kinda have proof...say hi Ei!"

"Hello, mrs. L/N. Nice to meet you! Wait no, you're on the call, so, uh, nice to hear you? I'm sorry." He chuckles nervously.

"She figured it out..." Mom mumbles into the phone. "Okay honey, I'm about to tell you something, so please, promise me you won't freak out?"

"Okay." I draw in a breath. Kiri does the same, both of us with anticipation.

"Okay. So, as you asked me before, yes, we are a part of a different universe. We are one of the great heroes, above the pros. You may know this universe as My Hero Academia. In our family bloodline, we have the quirk of angels. We can grow white feathery wings, and have halos levitate above our heads, which I assume you have now." She pauses to take a breath. "Me and your father decided it wouldn't be healthy for you to grow up in such a violent world, so we decided to bring you back here. I guess you just figured out our origins now. I hope you won't hate me for keeping you here and not with some of your favorite characters."

"No, no mom! I'm fine! It's" I look over at Ei, who silently claps. "So, do you know anyone with the last name of Kirishima?"

"Yes, I actually do. We're very close friends with mr. and mrs. Kirishima. Why do you ask?" She questions through the phone.

"Cause, uh...I may or may not have their son, Eijiro, here with me, this very moment." I laugh nervously.

"I'm assuming you accidentally teleported him here?"

"Yeah...any way to get him back?"

"Yes, there is. If you didn't notice, the teleporting window opened up shortly after you thought the words 'I wish Eijrio Kirishima was here.' So, simply think the same thing, but reverse it. 'I wish Eijiro Kirishima went back to his universe.'" She instructs. "But be aware. I don't think you're at the age yet where you can teleport yourself to his universe. So this would be the last time that you'd see him until you turn...I don't know how old! I was able to teleport myself somewhere when I turned 50, so the age varies depending on the person. There is a chance, though, you might never see him again." She pauses. "I'll give you some time to think this through. If you forget what to say, or need someone there with you, on the phone of course, just call me again. I love you angel. I know this must be hard..." I get a lump in my throat. I hear someone call her name in the distance of the call. "Oh dear, looks like I have to get back. But remember angel, I love you. I know you'll do what's right, no matter how much it stings. Good bye." *click. Beep, beep, beep*

Never see Ei again!? No, no, no! It must be false! It can't be true! I don't want to lose him! Tears begin to crowd below my eye. I curl my knees towards my chest, beginning to cry. Kiri scoots next to me, and hugs me.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay, I'm here." he says, stroking my back.

"Yeah, but not for long!" I say, choking out. "I don't want to lose you! You're the greatest friend I've ever had! You're the only friend I've ever had. Everybody else either wants money or fame from me. I don't want to lose you!" Kiri gets taken aback.

"You've never had a friend before...?" He says. He hugs me tighter. I begin to sob. Inferno jumps from her perch and lands on my knees. She chirps, and rubs her cheek on mine. I smile slightly.

"I'll tell you what. Who says I have to go home at this very moment? I can still stay for a day, or two, or three, or however long! I don't care, I just want you to be happy." Kiri says, sweetly.

"Thanks, but I won't do that to you. You have your own family and friends to go home to. I won't keep you here, I'm no monster." I laugh lightly, only to result in shedding more tears.

"No, I insist. I want to make you happy. You've made me the happiest I could be while I'm here, in your universe. Now let me do the same." He gets up, and stands right in front of me. He outstretches a hand. I look up from my self-hug, and glimpse from his hand to his face. I take his hand, and he pulls me up into another hug.

"If you want to send me home now, then do it. I won't stop you. But if you want me to stay for a day or two, then I don't care. Like I said, whatever makes you happy." I breathe in his scent, which is somewhat sweet, like sugar. We hug for another 5 seconds, until I pull away.

"Okay, fine, you've convinced me. You can stay for another day. But only one, okay?" I say.

"Anything's fine with me!"

I check the clock in my room. 7 pm.

"Alright, so what do you want to do for dinner? Takeout again, or maybe frozen dinners?"

"Hmm, I'm kinda curious what a frozen dinner is, so that please!"

"Let's go to the kitchen then." I declare, walking down to the kitchen. Inferno follows.

"Oh wait a minute." I begin, once we're down there. "What do phoenixes eat? I have to feed Inferno." I look at her, as if I'll be able to understand whatever she'll say, or gesture towards. Inferno tweets. "Wait a minute, I think I understood you. Is that your favorite food? Can you say it again?" [a/n- for anyone who's watched the owl house before, this reminds me of the time where hunter understood flapjack for the first time. MY HEART-] Inferno tweets again.

"What's she saying?" Kiri asks curiously.

"She says her favorite food is any fruit. Not what I was expecting a phoenix to eat, but I have the food, so she won't starve!" I turn to inferno. "Want the fruit chopped or whole?" She chirped, then tweeted, to add something on. "Two chopped bananas, coming right up!" I grabbed a bowl out from the bowl cabinet, and grabbed two bananas from the fridge. I peeled and chopped them up, arranging them to fit neatly in the bowl. I set it on the counter, because I feel like the floor would be a rude place for a bird as unique and majestic as a phoenix to eat there. I head over to the freezer and study the frozen dinners. I pull out one of each kind-shrimp scampi, fettuccine alfredo, mac 'n' cheese, and chicken pot pie.

"Which one do you want?" I ask Kiri.

"I want the shrimp scampi one, that sounds interesting!" He excitedly announces.

"Alright, then I'll have the fettuccine alfredo." I say. [a/n-i'm sorry if this isn't the one you would've preferred, you can have that one if you want.] I put the rest of the unchosen dinners back in the freezer, and heat up our dinners.


Once we finished our dinners [a/n-this chapter is taking way longer than i thought-], I threw away the trash and put the dirty utensils in the sink. I also picked up Inferno's bowl that I noticed was empty and washed it. We decided to have a Netflix-and-chill evening, and we finally fell asleep around 12 am.

Flirty Kirishima x Reader-Time Travelling IncidentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant