Chapter 3: Not-So-Sweet Dreams

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~and back to Y/N's POV we go!~

(a/n-this was actually a dream I had myself !)

I wake up, and walk over to my blinds. It seemed like a sunny morning, sun shining through them already. I pull the string to open them, and the room floods with sunlight. I forgot that Ei was in my house, so I look around my room to see if he was sleeping there. I couldn't find him, so I decided to look outside some more. I see something dangling from a branch in the woods. I squint. My blood goes cold. There was Eijiro, in a tree, dead body hanging from the neck. I scan the rest of the woods. The trees were filled with dead bodies. In my neighbor's yard, there was a giant in their tree, which was a bit odd. I could only see the feet of the giant, and the ankles. The doorbell rang. I closed the blinds quickly, and ran to the door in my pajamas and slippers. I opened it.

"Hello there, Y/N." the person steps into the light, hatchet visible.

"A-All For One!? What are you doing here!?" I scream at him.

"Simply punishing you for hiding one of my targets here in your own universe." He raises the hatchet ready to blow a hit to my head, when I fall to my knees, crying, and screaming.

"Y/N, you okay? You woke up screaming, is everything alright?" Ei leaps up from where he was sleeping to rush over to comfort me. I jump up to a sitting position, and throw the covers off of me. I'm still panting, but Ei is rubbing gentle circles on my back to try and calm me.

"So it was all a dream...thank god..." I let out shaky breaths.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? Or just keep it to yourself? I'm fine with whatever you pick." he says, continuing to rub circles. I move my head to look over at the clock. It was 6 am, so I guess this would be an okay time to wake up. Not exactly the most ideal, but it'll do. Should I tell him about the dream? If I do, should I tell him about AFO, or just put a random stranger in his place?...I think I'm gonna tell him in full detail.

"I-I'll tell you about the dream...If that's okay with you." I say.

"Yes, it's completely fine. Just lay it on me, and I may give you some advice on how to deal with it, if I can."

"Okay, so it was probably around 10 am. I knew this because the sun was shining very brightly through the blinds, and you weren't on the couch, so I immediately thought you were getting breakfast. I opened my blinds, and I saw your body hanging from a tree branch by a rope tied around your neck. There were other bodies hanging in the woods, but I was mostly heartbroken from seeing yours. Then the doorbell rang, so I ran downstairs to answer it. When I opened the door, someone was there. They were holding a hatchet, and said they were going to kill me because I was hiding one of their targets in my house. They raised the hatchet upwards, and started swinging it down to make a blow to my head, and that's when I woke up."

"Geez, that seems like a lot. Okay, uhm, just try to take deep breaths to calm down your heart rate to get started with. Can you tell me who the stranger was?" He says, looking at me with concern.

"If I do, I don't know what your reaction will be. You may be scared of me if I do..." I say, looking down.

"Hey, Y/N, whatever my reaction will be, I promise it won't be that I'll be scared of you, I can promise you that." He looks at me, waiting for me to look up.

"If you say so. So, the person was...All For One." I say, looking up at him to see what his reaction was. The second I say it, his eyes widen. About 3 seconds after that, they go back to normal.

"H-How do you know about All For One Y/N?" He asks, cautiously.

"Because you're from my favorite anime, okay!" I blurt out without realizing.

"W-What do you mean by that...?"

"An anime is a TV show...meaning, you're in a TV show that I watch. Would you like to see for yourself?" His gaze goes from shock to accepting.

"Show me." He says, after thinking it over. I grab my computer and turn it on. I sign into Hulu, and hit MHA. I play an episode and show it to him.

After the episode, I pause the next one before it begins.

"Thoughts...?" I ask.

"It's a bit odd, being seen by other people without knowing,'s still weird."

"Yeah...I'm gonna take a nap because I am still tired, you can do whatever, just don't do anything to activate your quirk." You say pulling the covers back up onto your body. Toasty...

"That's fine Y/N. I'll probably do the same to be honest."

"Okay, g'night Kiri..." I say, nuzzling my pillow.

"Hey Y/N?"


"Can I cuddle with you? I'm a little cold..."

"Yeah sure, you big teddy bear. Just get under the covers." I lift up the covers next to me, for him to lay down. He gets in, and pulls the covers back over him. He snuggles next to me, spooning me. (see image below, Kiri was the guy in the blue shirt, Y/N the one in the black shorts.)


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