Chapter 8: Let's Send You Home...

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Sadly, it's come to the moment in time where I have to send Kirishima home. I really don't wanna do this..but I have to.

"Should I call my mom, or should we just do it right here right now?" I ask.

"I suggest calling your may need the hand.." He says. I grab my phone, and dial my mom's mother. She answers like she did before.

"Hey mom...I'm ready." I say quietly, and sigh.

"Okay, angel. Whatever you need I'll be here for you."

"Thanks mom.." I begin. "What do I need to do to begin the process?"

"First of all, I recommend going to a large open space. The living room could work. Where are you right now?"

"We're in the kitchen. But we'll go to the living room right now." I lower the phone from my ear, and put it on speaker. We walk to the living room, and I plop on the couch. Kiri does the same.

"Okay, now what?" I ask.

"Ok, first of all, make sure you're focused. In order to do this properly and safely, you need to be focused 100%." She instructs.

"Ok, I'm focused."

"Great, now, think of the words in your head once I say them: I wish Kirishima could go back home." I do as she instructs, mentally saying the words to myself. A familiar portal of white opens up on the living room floor. I swallow a lump in my throat. I really don't want to say goodbye to him..if only he could stay here forever..

"Well, time for you to go home.." Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes, but I don't allow them to fall. I gesture to the portal, and Kirishima stands up. He takes a deep breath in, then exhales.

"Thanks for letting me stay here Y/N...I really am going to miss you a lot. I wish I didn't have to leave, I love this place, but I have to. My friends, my family, I'm sure they miss me so much, but you..I don't want you to be sad.." Kirishima explains. I draw a shaky breath in. Oh god, here comes the tears..!

"I-It's fine Kirishima..I-I won't keep you here any longer then you want to stay here." I stutter. I take a glance at Kirishima, and his face is washed over with concern.

"Y/N, listen..I'll stay here if you really want me to-"

"No! Go home to your friends and family!" I begin to cry.

"Y/N.." Kirishima mumbles. He steps forwards to me, and wraps me in a hug. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and silently sob.

"I wish you didn't have to go could have so much fun here..but I want you to go back to your family and friends.." I say, but it being muffled due to the stance I was in.

"I can tell you're very bipolar about this much as I want you to be happy and for him to stay here, I really recommend you sending him home. You'll be happy again, but he's sad himself a bit because he's not seeing his parents..right, Eijiro?" Mom says.

"Yeah...I do miss them." Kiri admits.

"Okay..I'll send him home." I reluctantly say.

"That's my angel.." Mom reassures.

"Well Kirishima, it's been a really fun time with you here in America. But you must go home." I manage to say without choking up or anything.

"Same Y/N..I'll miss you so, so, so much..But family comes first, right?" He offers me a sad smile. I restrain myself as much as I can to not break down at the spot. He wraps me in another hug, and I look up at him. He looks down at me.

"I love you so much, Eijiro Kirishima." I mumble quietly. I let out a few tears in the process.

"I love you too, Y/N L/N." He says back. We both lean in, and we lock lips for 5 seconds. When he pulls away, my chin begins to tremble with sadness. He steps forwards to the portal, and steps on it. He begins to be pulled into it, and just when he's about to be fully pulled in, he adds "I'll never stop loving you. No matter how far apart we are." He gets fully pulled into the portal, and a silence rests over the house.

"Oh Y/N..I know this is hard for you, but-" Mom begins. I cut her off.

"I NEVER WANTED HIM TO LEAVE! I MISS HIM SO MUCH! WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!?" I cry out. My shout is immediately followed by sobs. "I miss you Kirishima..even though you just left, I miss you so much already.."

"Angel.." Mom tries to comfort me.

"Why!? Why did the only friend I ever make just have to come from a different universe and country? Just why does this have to fucking happen!?" I shout. I clap my hands over my mouth, just forgetting my mother was on the phone. I wasn't allowed to curse near her.

"Y/N, I know you're upset, so if you need to curse, then go ahead. Though this is an excuse, don't think you can just go around cursing everybody out, okay?" Mom slightly warns through the phone.

"I know mom.." I breathe a jagged breath in, and continue to let out more sobs.

"Angel..I recommend you go upstairs in your bed and cry up there..crying does wear you out a lot, so if you get tired, feel free to just fall asleep. Remember, you still have me, your dad, and your sister. I know we're not around that often, but we still love you so much."

"Okay mom..I love you." I say through sniffles.

"I love you too, angel. Now go upstairs, I'm sure you're quite exhausted already. You have a phoenix now, don't you? Go pet her and relax in bed. Feel free to watch a movie or tv or something while you're up there." She says. "Now I have to go back to work..if you need anything else, feel free to call me again or shoot me a text."

"I will mom..good night." I grab my phone again, and check the time. Damn, it's already 10? How long were me and Kirishima out for? I break into another sobbing fit just at the mention of his name, and the memories. I shuffle my way upstairs and change into my pajamas. I turn on the tv, and crawl into my bed.

"Oh Inferno, why did this have to happen..? I mean, at least I still have you to remember him by.." I say to the bird. She tweets, and hops down from my knee to my shoulder, rubbing her head against my chin. I smile, against all the sadness I feel, animals will always cheer me up. I decide to watch Ratatouille, I love the movie, maybe watching one of my favorite movies will boost my mood..

I snuggle with Inferno throughout the movie, having the comfortable silence between us, minus the movie playing in the background. I sniffle every now and then, still being affected by my daily dose of crying.

After the movie ended, I felt pretty drowsy, so I put on some show on whatever tv channel was on so there wasn't complete silence when I was sleeping. After that, I grabbed my sleeping mask from my bedside table, slipped it onto my head, and pulled the covers over my body.


At 2 am, I woke up from a nightmare about today's events. I quickly sit up, and take some deep breaths to try to calm my rapidly beating heart. I lean over to grab my water on the bedside table, and take some swigs. Once I was feeling calmed down, I grabbed my stuffed animal I've been sleeping with and pulled it close, yanked the covers over my head, and fell into a dreamless, yet peaceful slumber.


Well, like I said, chapter 8 is now posted! I'm sorry it took so long, it's not writers block or anything, it's just the weight of homework from school, it's a lot...BUT! I will try to post like I said, once a month, but I don't know..Thank you guys for 100+ reads! It's a real mood booster, after suffering a weekly dose of school drama. It's really good to know that my story has been well liked. I don't really don't know what else to put here, plus my computer is gonna die, so bye!


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