Chapter 5: An Odd Day

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I stretch in bed, still in the clothes from the day before because I was too lazy to change out of them. Ei sleeped with me in my bed, and I think when I stretched I must have woken him up, because he yawned and stretched himself.

"Well good morning sleepy head." I commented on his sleepy appearance.

"Mmm..." he mumbled to me, I'm assuming too tired to say a full sentence.

"And good morning to you also, Inferno!" I called to the phoenix. It chirped in reply. I got up and stretched. Ei was still sleeping soundly once I looked back down to him. He looks so cute...

"I'm gonna go take a shower, don't get into too much mischief while I'm not with you." I say, even though I know I'm not gonna get a reply.

As I'm getting out of the shower, with the song "That's What I Like" playing. As I was humming along to the song, I put on some moisturizer. After that's done, I quickly dash across the hall and grab some clothes from my room, ignoring the weird feeling of something on my back. I dash back into the bathroom once again and close the door. I look at myself in the mirror to figure out what that weird feeling was, and I suddenly see it. I scream.

Eijirio comes running from your bed, and politely knocks on the door.

"Are you okay!? I heard your scream and immediately came to see if you're alright!" He yells through the door, worried.

"Yes, I'm fine! I'm just a little nervous about something!"

"What are you nervous about?" He continues calling through the door.

"Uhm...I may have a quirk..."

"You have a quirk!?"

"I think so!"

"What does it look like? Any visual things you can describe to me?"

"Yeah, white feathery wings and a halo..." There was silence from behind the door. "Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here. I was just...thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"I'll tell you when you're dressed, alright?"

"Okay..." I got dressed and quickly brushed my hair. I quickly walked out of the bathroom to find Ei sitting on the couch near my bed.

"So? Can you tell me now?"

"Yes, I will. So, you know what I was saying about there is a really old legend about the people with the white feathery wings and halos?" I nod. "I think you, and maybe other members of your family, could be the legend."

"I don't think we're legends. I'm not even in your universe!"

"I think you very well could be. I mean, think about it. They went into hiding, which may have been crossing universes. They're able to talk to mythic animals," He gestures to Inferno. "Which we have proof of right there. They have white feathered wings," he points to mine. "And a halo." He gestures to my halo. "See, you have all the proof right there." He got me thinking. He does have a point. I have all the things the angels have. I'm actually part of his world!? OMG! I can't believe it! Literally all my dreams are coming true today!

"Wow...I can't believe it...all of my dreams are coming true! I'm so excited to be part of your universe! But, I'd really love to know how I'm a part of the legend." I admit.

"Yeah, that is a little confusing. Maybe run a call with your parents? They probably know some things." Ei suggests.

"Yeah, that's a smart idea. I'll do that right now, hopefully I won't be too much of a burden for whatever they're doing." I pick up my phone and dial up their number.

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