Author's note 2.0

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Hey! How have yall been?? I'm super sorry I haven't posted last saturday, I was busy at a friend's birthday party. I know it may just sound like excuses, but I am truly being honest. Maybe saturdays just don't work out schedule wise...hopefully, I'll be able to post this saturday! I don't think I have anything going on...So, consider there a new chapter up and posted on this saturday, 12/3! Have a good day, I love you guys~! Sayonara~!

Edit-Now that I think about it, the chapters won't be good if I do them when I don't want to do them. Gotta be ~in the mood~. So, sorry to say this to those who've been waiting for so long, but I think I'll be posting monthly. It may be twice a month if I'm feeling productive, but I just don't have the energy to. I'm sorry, but I've just been burnt out a lot lately. I hope you understand! Again, apologies!

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