Chapter 9: What Now? (END OF BOOK!)

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I woke up, but I didn't want to get out from under the covers. I hug the stuffed animal I sleep with close to me. I miss his company with me on the bed... I sigh deeply, and quite a few times. I decide to finally snatch away the covers from my body, and shiver. It was a cold morning. I yawn, and find that inferno was still sound asleep. I smile a bit, glad to still have a living thing in the house with me. I stand up, stretching, deciding to have some cereal for breakfast. I escalate down the stairs, with slow, thumping steps. I don't want to do anything today...I don't want to go out...I don't want to craft anything...nothing. I just want to waste the day away...

I grab a cereal bowl from out of the kitchen cabinet, slugging slowly over to the counter where I place the bowl, while going over to the pantry to retrieve some cereal. I didn't want anything too sugary, so I just got some honey nut cheerios-o's out and poured some into the bowl. Ha, really funny. A bland cereal to match my bland mood...great thinking, y/n.

I put the cereal back and grabbed the milk from the fridge, pouring it in the bowl until I felt it was enough. I slide it over to the portion of the counter where there was a ledge and stools, and sat down, lazily scrolling through my phone as I munched on my cereal.

Once I finished the cereal, and not feeling motivated enough to wash my dish, I put it in the sink, head over to the family room, and plop down on the couch. I sigh. I really don't feel like doing anything today...damn depression.

Eventually, Inferno does decide to come down, signaling she was hungry for breakfast.

"Good morning hungry?" I ask, lifting my eyes in a lazy glance up at the bird, who was perched on the arm of the couch. She chirps in reply, a bit of empathy audible from it, so I am assuming she feels bad about my state of mood and mind.

"Don't worry inferno...I'm need for you to worry. Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

She chirps "strawberries" in reply, so I stand up and prepare her breakfast. I set it on the counter, where she pecks away at it, and I continue to slouch on the couch. Once she's done, she flies back over, full, but wanting to give me some company.

"Like I said Inferno...I'm fine.." I say. I stroke her head half heartedly, a small smile, yet sad, prickling the corners of my mouth. She shakes her head no, and chirps, snuggling with me, trying to make me happy.

"Thanks..." I accept the snuggling, something that kiri would do with me that would make me happy. I start to feel my eyes get hot and the urge to cry becomes present. My breathing becomes shaky.

"Oh Inferno...why did he have to leave...?" I ask the bird. "I loved him so much...and I still do..Just why......?" She snuggles against me more, and I continue petting her, not wanting to waste my energy crying over someone who'd I never see again. I begin to grow sleepy, and my jagged breathing slows, so I fall asleep for a bit. Or, it feels like that anyways. I awoke to pounding on the house door. I stand up, and lug over to the door, sleep and tiredness still masking over my senses for me to sense the potential danger of this situation. I open the door.

"Hello..?" I ask. I rub my hands over my eyes, wiping the sleep off of them. I see a man in a suit with sunglasses over his eyes. Inferno came with me, and I see his eyebrow twitch upwards. Most likely, he never saw a phoenix before.

"Hello miss l/n. We are informed you have a super power that some locals have been scared of, is this true?" He commands.

"Uh, first of all, who are you? Second of all, what do you mean superpower?"

"I am Lucas Albrecht, CEO of the Neighborhood Protection Services, or NPS. I mean, some locals have told us that you have angel-like powers, is this accurate?"

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