Chapter 7: Kiri's Last Day

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I wake up, realizing we must've fallen asleep on the couch.

"Oh, darn we fell asleep kiri!" I say. He wakes up. "Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you up..I didn't mean it!"

"No, no, it's fine, you didn't wake me up. I wake up at even the slightest noises. Like-" He begins, with the grandfather clock chiming 9:00 am as if on cue. "that." Kiri sits up.

"Oh, ok. Anyways, I really don't wanna think about it, but, what do you want to do for your last day in this universe? And, y'know, in the usa?"

"Mm, I don't really know...since I haven't been here before, I don't really know what to do..any suggestions?"

"Hmm, we could go bowling, go mini golfing, go to the mall again and get some more stuff..ooh, we could go to an arcade!" I list.

"The arcade seems super fun, but so does everything else! Agh, why do you have to make me choose one?" He groans (not in that way) and tilts his head back.

"Hey, who said you have to choose one? What's wrong with doing multiple, or even all of them? I mean, money really isn't a problem, so.." I shrug. "Though, if it's between you and me, I'd rather not go to the mall, since y'know, we just were there."

"Yeah, I totally understand. Anyways, should we get ready? Or should we eat breakfast first?"

"Breakfast, why not?"

After having breakfast [I am too lazy to go into detail as I have with dinners before, and yes, Y/N did feed Inferno.], we head upstairs to the respective rooms to change. Since it's autumn, I decide to pick out a fuzzy tan shirt with black leggings and some brown boots [I'm sorry if it doesn't relate to your aesthetic/clothing preference, I just tried to do something that seemed pretty general]. I checked the weather in case it wasn't going to be too hot. It wasn't, it was going to be the perfect fall day!

"Kiri, it's gonna be in the mid 50s today, so make sure to dress warm enough! If you don't have anything warm enough, you can always borrow some of my father's clothing!" I call out, hoping it would reach the room across the hall from mine.

"Ok!" I hear him call out after the sound of a shutting drawer. I pull on the outfit and brush my hair. Since I was feeling pretty lazy today, I decided not to do anything with it. I spritz on some perfume and slip in some hoop earrings as the final step. Actually, wait, no, I quickly grab a white fuzzy bucket hat and put that on. I look at myself in the mirror. There we go, perfect. I open the door and sit on the couch that's placed upstairs between mine and my parents' room. I pull out my phone, and Inferno swoops and lands on the railing of the stairs beside me. I laugh, and continue to scroll through the pictures that came up onto my feed on pintrest.

I hear the sound of a door opening, and I look up. Kirishima emerges wearing a black long sleeve shirt with a red riot t-shirt on top of it, jeans, and white sneakers. I feel like I've seen that type of look before..wait, he looks just like one of those tik tok boys!

"Hey, nice fit. You got some style, I'm jealous." I say, standing up, putting my phone in my pocket. Inferno does a quick flap of her wings and lands on my shoulder.

"What are you talking about? You have style, I mean, just look at your outfit! It's awesome! Perfect fashion sense as always, Y/N."
"Anyways, as of how we're going to get to the places we'll go today, I haven't quite decided yet. We could get an uber, or we could walk. Though walking would get extremely tiring quickly." I say. "So, an Uber?"

"Yeah, ok. I don't know what that is, but as long as it's easier than walking multiple miles, then I'll choose anything."

"Alright, lemme book an Uber now. In the meantime, lemme pack my backpack." I start to head downstairs, and Kiri follows. We get to the closet of backpacks.

"Geez Y/N, why so many backpacks?"

"Well, you never know which one will go well with different outfits."

"See what I said about amazing fashion sense?" I hum a reply. I lean in and grab the bear backpack. After, I walk across to a counter against a wall and grab some money and fill my wallet with enough so it reaches $2,000. I put that in the backpack as well as perfume, chapstick, hand sanitizer, and I feel like I'm missing something else..snacks! I leave my bag on the counter and go to the pantry to grab some chips, and some Hello Panda stuff. I forget what exactly they're called, but I get a chime on my phone notifying the driver was here.

"Okay, they're here! Let's go!" I say. Kiri nods, and we walk to the front door. While on the way out, I swoop my hand over the door side table to grab house keys. Kiri opens the door and motions for me to go out first, which I do, then he steps out and closes the door. He steps aside so I can lock it, and so we were off! We walk down the front porch stairs and board the car.

"Wow, nice bird! Phoenix, is it?" The driver comments once I'm in the car. Kiri gets in behind me and closes the car door. I "mhm!" the driver, and the driver introduces herself.

"Hello, I'm Allie and I'll be your driver today! Where are you guys going today?"

"The bowling alley please!" I say.

"Fun! So, don't mind me asking, but is it a date between the two of you?" Allie says as she pulls out of the driveway. "Also, I love your house!"

"'s not exactly a date.." I begin.

"Yeah, but it could be if you wanted to~" Kiri adds and leans into my direction, our faces inches apart.

"S-Stop!" I say, laughing but blushing a bit also. Allie drives us to the bowling alley, and we chat as she drives. When we arrive, she says, "Goodbye! And good luck with the boy!" Luckily, Kiri wasn't in earshot to hear the last bit.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" I say.

"Hey Y/N, you coming?" Kiri asks, already at the door of the alley.

"Yeah. Looks like someone's eager to try bowling." I chuckle.

After the day was over, I marvel at how much fun we had. While there were some memorable moments, like me beating his ass in mario kart at the arcade, and us pretty much cleaning the place out of their stuffed animals. I can't get enough! But now was the time I was regretting the most..

"Hey Kiri?" I say, once we were finally back home and the bags and prizes were on the counter.

"Yes, Y/N?" He replies.

"Can I tell you something..?" I say nervously. I fidget with my hands and the stuffed animals they were currently clutching. I can feel my face heat up.

"Sure, I'm always open." He bends down to put the bags that he was carrying on the floor.

"I, uhm.." I breathe in and out. "Kiri, I love you! I want you to stay so we can hang out more, but I also have to send you home, because I'm sure your friends are worried sick..." I lower my head and gaze towards the floor. My face gets warmer.

"Hey, Y/N, look at me." He reaches out a hand to lift my chin up. I do nothing but obey, and search his eyes, to hopefully get hints on what he might say next. "Y/N, I'm only gonna say this once. Like I said, I don't care what you do because I love you too. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." I let out a sigh of relief, so this crush wasn't one sided! The gods of love have blessed me! I lean in and give him a light kiss.

"But, you do know what comes first right?" I say, already feeling the lump in my throat build up.

"Sadly, yes." he begins.

"It's time for me/you to go home." we say in unison. [Y/N says you, and Kiri says me]


A/N: Hey, finally got chapter 7 posted! I was debating on making this and Y/N sending Kiri home all one chapter, but after completing it, I decided it would be best to just keep it as is. And I think it's good. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long for me to post it! I just didn't have enough energy some days, and on others I just didn't have the motivation. Maybe I should rethink my dream to become an author...anyways, bye! I love you guys~ :)


Flirty Kirishima x Reader-Time Travelling IncidentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz