A little poem

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Hey! So, uh, about chapter 8...I don't have enough energy lately to write it. BUT! In the meantime, I think I can give little things here and there so you, my lovely readers, aren't bored and don't like the story anymore. So, I thought, maybe today, I could post a poem I wrote before for school once. I think it's a good poem, and maybe once I'm done with this story I'll make a book of a variety of different poems. But first, I present to you....... Insanity. An original poem by me, author-chan!

Alone was I,

in this peculiar state of mind,

In my room alone I cry

Never was I so blind

I confused the world of reality for fake,

All night I ponder nonsense awake.

Alone was I

I abandoned my friends,

I could never be their ally.

But I suppose it depends,

Oh, how I ache

From such a foolish mistake.

Alone was I

The paranormal speak to me.

Sense and reality I untie,

In my unnatural fantasy.

I talk to the air,

Everyone else considers me a scare.

Alone was I

Debating if I was mad,

Or alone and crazy I am able to qualify.

I don't think I'm all that bad,

Through me an uneasy feeling bolts-

Is being insane being able to talk to ghosts?

If so, I must imply,

And wish you all a sorrowful goodbye.


sooooo? what'd y'all think? was it good? bad? mediocre? i wanna continue writing poems, they're really fun to make, so please comment or vote on here! if you have any suggestions for future poems I should write, leave them in a comment! i will most likely do it, as long as i'm comfortable with the topic suggested. well, i think that's all! i would love to get chapter 8 of the actual story up and posted within another week or so. thank you all for being here all this time, reading my story! after all, we're almost at...100 READS!? OMG! YAY! TYSM!! it means so much to me, getting this many reads. it really lifts my mood. i'm sure i'll post more frequently if this hits...hmm...maybe 150? 200 even? make sure to tell your friends about this, and whoever else you'll think will like this! it'll help get those views up way quicker. now that my little rant is over, i want you all to have a good day or a good night! remember, i love you, and if you're struggling right now and it's a time of negative emotions, it's okay, better days are coming. until next time! sayonara!


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