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They all took the ship to the Garden, Rocket steering the ship, while everyone else took their seats in the back.

"Okay. Who here has never been to space?" Rocket asked, turning back to look at everyone. 

Steve, Nat and Rhodey all slowly raised their hands, and Arden chuckled. 

"You better not throw up on my ship." Rocket scolded, turning back to the front.

"Approaching jump in three...two, one." Nebula informed them.

The ship moved into hyper speed into the jump, jerking them backwards a little and Steve grabbed a hold of Arden's hand, squeezing it tightly. She looked down, then back up at him as his eyes were glued to the front, seeing the jump colors for himself.

"Carol." Arden got her attention when their jump stopped right outside the planet. 

She got out, floating in front of the ship nodding at them. "I'll head down for recon." 

"Sorry." Steve apologized to Arden, referring to him grabbing her hand.

"Don't be." She reassured, walking towards the back of the ship to Thor. 

"I failed." Thor mentioned to her.

"If anyone failed it was me. For not being there for you, for everyone. We'll get him." She confidently comforted him.

"No satellites, no army, no weapons. No ground defenses of any kind." Carol informed them, and they were all confused. "It's just him." 

"And that's enough." Nebula commented. 

They landed far enough from where Carol said Thanos was camping out. Waiting for him to be at his most vulnerable, alone in his hut. 

"Now." Steve ordered. 

Carol making the first move to attack him from outside the hut, blasting him with her radiation flames, tackling him onto the ground, putting him in a headlock, when Bruce came up from underneath the hut, pulling his arm with the gauntlet out, while Rhodey came in pulling out the other. Thor flying in and chopping off his hand with the gauntlet. Natasha, Nebula, Rocket, Steve and Arden walked up the steps. Rocket turning over the gauntlet, revealing no stones. 

"Oh, no." Rocket muttered. 

"Where are they?" Steve asked sternly. 

"Answer the question." Arden pressured, waving her hands, putting Thanos in more pain. 

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation." Thanos exhaled, trying to manage some comfortability in the position he was in.

 "You murdered trillions!" Bruce shouted, pushing Thanos backwards. 

"You should be grateful." Thanos exhaled, causing Bruce to punch him in Tony's Hulkbuster armor. 

"Where are they?" Natasha wept. 

"Reduced to atoms." Thanos answered. 

"You used them two days ago." Bruce reminded him sternly. 

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me, but the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable." Thanos added. 

"He has to be lying." Rhodey mentioned, looking around. 

"My father is many things, a liar is not one of them." Nebula reassured, looking defeated. 

Thanos thanked Nebula, but Thor was too angry to listen to him talk, groaning a throaty shout as he chopped off his head. 

Guardian Angel | Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now