Access Granted

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Y/N entered the station as the boys waited outside.

 "Miss Y/N, how can I help you?" Officer Smith was surprised to see her. 

"Sir, for some reasons, I need access to the CCTV footage of south Korea. Can you please help us?" Y/N gulped. 

"Miss Park- what's the reason." Officer Smith scoffed while also being surprised. Y/N discussed with him for about a while before unsuccessfully getting his permission... Y/N walked out upset. 

"They denied?" Jungkook saw her face. Y/N just nodded. 

"I knew they wouldn't share these things." Jimin wasn't really surprised. 

"At least she tried." Jungkook rubbed her shoulder. 

"I don't think there's any other way..." Hobi sighed.

 "Hey aren't you guys BTS? Omg you're Jungkook. My daughter has posters of you in her room, she's a huge fan." A police officer walked up to them. 

"That's so sweet, thank you." Jungkook was flustered. 

"So what should we do next?" Jimin needed them to stay on track. 

"Sir, can you call your daughter?" Y/N had a plan.

 "Oh sure." The man pulled out his phone. 

"What's she doing?" Jungkook thought. 

"Hello dad." A young girls voice came through the phone. 

"I'm not your father, but tell me, Jk's your bias right?" Y/N asked. 

"Ya- Why? Who are you?" The girl was concerned. 

"I am the angel that will fulfil your wishes, let's make a deal, if you can get your dad to work for us for a while, I will bring not only JK, but Jimin and J-hope to you." Y/N waited for her answer. 

"OOo what a plan." Jimin was impressed. 

"What's her plan?" Jungkook was clueless. 

"Jungkook, it's all up to you." Jimin sighed patting his back.

 "I guess it'll work." Hobi was also impressed.

*At the house*

The minute they walked in, the girl was like a screaming machine. 


"Help me, I'm scared of girls-" Jungkook signalled the others for help while they just tried not to laugh.

 "WAIT I GOTTA CALL MY FRIENDS." The girl took out her phone and took a pic of JK. 

"Oh no not more-" Jungkook was going to die. 

"Baby koo, she's an Army, don't disappoint her." Jimin winked. *ONLY two minutes later* 

"NO NO NO NO! YOU CAN'T CLIMB ON ME! I'm covid positive!" Jungkook was getting eaten alive. 

"Y/N do you hear something?" Jimin looked at her. 

"NO STOP!" Jungkook shrieked. 

"Let's leave Mr International playboy at his job." Y/N winked. Jimin was a dying horse after that line.

 "Shouldn't we help the poor baby though?" Hobi was trying not to laugh.

 "Let me." Jimin walked into the room Jungkook was in. 

"Hello Ladies." Jimin brushed his hair back. 

"AHHHHH" The girls were going to bust a lung soon enough. 

"STOPPPP" Jungkook was dramatically crying.

 *A few minutes later*  

"Y/N, the officer is saying this is some national security thing, he doesn't want to risk his job." Hobi was a bit disappointed. "I told JK and he's angry".

 "So sir, you're saying you won't help us?" Jungkook glared at the officer.

 "Please, I can't risk my job." The officer tried convincing them. 

"Well now you're risking your life!" Jungkook stopped himself from pouncing on the officer. 

"Ok ok! Fine I'll help." The officer gulped. They got the access they needed. They were all searching through the different footage but Hobi had to leave soon enough because of some work. 

*Three weeks later*

Jimin managed to mark out four people who looked like Tae, the catch was all of them were either masked or avoided showing their faces to the camera. 

"Y/N we've been looking for ages now, Jungkook has a fever and how can we guarantee one of them is our Taehyung. 

"We can't stop now, we have to check them closely." Jungkook coughed as Y/N patted his back. Y/N took another look at the four pictures on the screen. Y/N's face lit up. 

"Y/N?" Jimin noticed her. 

"Look." Y/N pointed to one guy. 

"That's Taehyung! He has the habit of wearing shoes like that!" Jungkook was so happy. 

"This man-" Jimin couldn't believe it. 

"We found him!" Jungkook was so relieved

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"We found him!" Jungkook was so relieved. 

"Oh yes." Jimin banged the table with happiness. 

"Now we need to know where he went." Y/N sighed. 

The Sacrifice: Taehyung  & Cha Eunwoo FFWhere stories live. Discover now