No Hope?

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Y/N and Eunwoo searched for days, and those days turned into weeks, then into months and that's how eight months passed. Y/N felt like she was going to fall apart, she thought she'd find him. But with Eunwoo's support she was able to continue. They grew closer but could never have fun times or even laugh together. They covered the whole city... But no sign... No hope... It's now been more than a year and only a few places to search.

Y/N and Eunwoo were walking through rain and Y/N wasn't feeling well. 

"Y/N are you ok?" Eunwoo noticed her.

 "Yes perfectly fine." She smiled. 

"Y/N look at me." Y/N felt his voice get deeper and her vision went blurry, then black. Eunwoo caught her before she could fall.

 "Y/N look at me! Open your eyes! Breath!" Eunwoo shook her and tapped her cheek. 

Soon Y/N woke up In a hospital bed. She tried getting up but was too weak and her whole body hurt. A voice caught her attention. 

"Y/N!" Eunwoo came panting inside the room.

 "Take care." A doctor smiled and walked out. 

"Thank you." Eunwoo smiled. 

"What's wrong with me." Y/N said weakly. 

"Y/N you're overstressing yourself, they'll let you out in a few days, please eat properly and take your medication." Eunwoo was so happy she was awake.

After three days Y/N was able to go home.

 "Wait, I have to go to the reception, I'll be back five minutes." Eunwoo rushed off. Y/N walked to the reception to after a while but bumped into someone.

 "Oh my, sorry Miss Y/N I was in a hurry." The same doctor from three days ago apologised. She saw his badge 'surgeon'. 

"How do you know my name?" Y/N asked. The doctor was looking around. 

"Your a surgeon, you couldn't of treated me." Y/N was confused. 

"But you were talking to my friend that day..." 

"He's also my friend, a good friend, he told me about you." The doctor chuckled. 

"Oh, Eunwoo's your friend." Y/N smiled. 

"Yes, Eunwoo." The doctor seemed a bit uncomfortable. 

"Hey Doctor, this is Y/N remember." Eunwoo came back. 

"Yes I do remember." The doctor replied. 

"Ok Y/N let's go you need rest." Eunwoo took Y/N's hand. They walked home but something striked Y/N's mind. They checked everywhere except hospitals... 

"Hey Eunwoo, shouldn't we check hospitals too?" She asked. 

"Hospitals why? We should check other places, there can't be a possibility he's there." Eunwoo chuckled. 

"Yeah but-" Y/N started.

 "Y/N you need rest, stop stressing." Eunwoo stopped her and waved goodbye. Y/N immediately called Jimin. He would help her. Jimin finished all his work and was able to come very soon.

The Sacrifice: Taehyung  & Cha Eunwoo FFWhere stories live. Discover now