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His room was a bit bigger than hers and was very modern. 

"You can get some rest, I'll go take a shower." Eunwoo smiled. His smile instantly showed Tae. 

"Y/N? Y/N! Where are you lost?" Eunwoo chuckled.

 "Sorry-" Y/N awkwardly chuckled. 

"Ok" Eunwoo walked into his bedroom. 

"Just wasted an entire day, calm down. I'll look tomorrow." Y/N thought to herself. She started looking around his apartment. She entered his room, it was so luxurious. It was then Y/N realised she'd never seen him working, she wondered what he did for a living. Suddenly as she scanned his room and saw a Gucci Bag, one exactly like Tae's! Y/N slowly went to the bag and picked it up. Y/N's headache started all over again. She felt the bag with tears. 

"Y/N what are you doing?" Eunwoo came out of the bathroom.

 "E-eunwoo... This bag... Is it yours?" She asked wiping a tear. Eunwoo nodded.

 "I-i'm so sorry, I just lost my mind, my boyfriend had the same bag, he is..." Y/N couldn't bring the words out. 

"He is what Y/N?" Eunwoo wanted to know. Y/N fell to her knees with her head down. 

"Y/N I'm your friend right? Please tell me what's wrong?" Eunwoo ran to her. 

"Taehyung's not in military service!" Y/N broke out, she was a crying mess. 

"Why, how? what connection do you have with him, my god Y/N please stop crying, get up." Eunwoo helped her up. 

"He left me!" Y/N yelled. 

"He left me to save my life." Y/N cried on Eunwoo's chest.

 "I've been looking for him for ages! I love him so much, I can't live without him, I feel dead!" Y/N let it all out as Eunwoo was surprised.

 "And you moron keep reminding me of him, the way you smile, the way you speak, the way you keep your things." Y/N punched his chest with one hand. But Eunwoo was too stunned to react. He hugged her. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N... I didn't know you had to deal with all this. I never wanted to make you upset." Even Eunwoo started tearing. He placed her on the bed and took a chair to sit on it in front of her. "Are you comfortable? You don't look to good." Eunwoo placed a blanket on her. Y/N calmed down but was quiet. 

"I understand how you feel, trust me, tell me your problems." Eunwoo smiled. Y/N explained everything, Eunwoo listened carefully. 

"That's why I recognised you, Taehyung showed you in their last concert." Eunwoo sighed. He listened carefully.

 "Your brave Y/N." Eunwoo wiped his own tears.

 "I've been living here for a while, I know most of the places here, I can help you, and I'll make sure you don't get anymore stress attacks." Eunwoo smile. 

"But it's best if you sleep now, I'll sleep on the couch." Eunwoo got up to leave but Y/N grabbed his wrist. 

"Wait, no I'll sleep on the couch." She sat up. 

"Why?" Eunwoo asked. 

"Whenever me and him had an argument I'd sleep on the couch because I was upset at him. And whatever he's done has upset me." Y/N let his hand go. 

"Alright, what you want." Eunwoo didn't ask again. 

"Good night Y/N." He smiled but Y/N could see he was hurting. 

"Good night... Please don't be upset about all this, we'll find him, I won't give up." Y/N smiled and left. 

The Sacrifice: Taehyung  & Cha Eunwoo FFWhere stories live. Discover now