Leviathan Error pt 1(short sorry)

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Don't remember who requested it sorry

The shiver were swimming around after they heard some rumors of suspicious activity in the area. They planned on investigating and finding out about these rumors.
"Brother look!" Dream fell behind the others and pointed at a large kelp forest.
"What is it Dream?" Nightmare asked, swimming up to him. He look at the kelp forest but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Other than some weird looking sand dunes.
"Look!" Dream swam up to one of the dunes and brush away some of the sand. His hand met smooth, cold skin as he swam backwards so Nightmare could see.
"What the..." Nightmare swam up to him and brushed aside some more sand, revealing more skin. He swam to the next dune, and the next. Dream swam off into the kelp forest as his brother uncovered the dunes with the help of the sharks.
A scream was heard from inside the forest but was quickly cut off.
"Dream!" They all rushed into the forest, only momentarily pausing when one of the sharks tails got caught in the kelp. The broke into a clearing where Dream sat with a small squid.
The squid was at least 4 inches shorter than Dream. It was rainbow and white and it's face has black markings on it. He wore a strand of kelp around his neck like a scarf. He and Dream both held pieces of kelp as they laughed.
"Dream what..?" The shiver stared at them in confusion as the two turned to look at them.
"Brother look! His name is Ink!" He hugged the small squid enthusiastically.
"Hi I'm Ink, and I assume your Nightmare? Dreams talked about you a lot." Nightmare scowled and grabbed Dreams arm.
"Cmon Dream we are going home."
"Aww can we stay just for a lite bit longer?" Dream begged him.
"No. I don't like the feel of this place." Dream waved goodbye to Ink as they swam away.
"That's not very nice." The shiver tensed up and looked around. "Its been forever since we had visitors and you were very rude touching my tail like that." Nightmare glared at the kelp as the voice spoke to them.
"Where is it coming from?" Killer asked. The voice was everywhere at once.
Dream turned around and screamed.
"Oh quiet down your hurting my ears." The shiver turned around to see a large rock behind them open its large, yellow eye. They scrambled backwards to get away from it.

I'm tired so to be continued...

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