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When they pulled up to Reefer Rick's house, everything was silent. Dustin aggressively tapped on the doorbell, then banged on the door. "Okay, well, that's settled, I guess he's not here," Steve said.

"Eddie! It's Dustin!" Dustin yelled.

"Shut up, dude," Claudia said.

"Sorry, would you like a go at summoning him?"

"No, I'd like to go home. Maybe cuddle up and watch a movie."

"Who do you have to cuddle up with? You're a loser now, remember?"

"You're a loser and you have a girlfriend."

"Shut up. Eddie! Look, we just wanna talk, okay? No cops, I swear. We just wanna help. Eddie! Rick! Reefer Rick!"

"Don't scream that," Steve said.

As Dustin continued to pound on the door, Max and Claudia rounded the corner of the house, stumbling upon a shed. "Hey, guys?" Max called out. They all headed towards the shed, which was shrouded in darkness.

"This is too shady," Claudia said, "I wanna go home."

"No way," Robin said, "If I gotta stay, so do you."

"Just come home with me."

"You think Steve's gonna allow that?"

"Fair point."

The door to the shed creaked open. "Hello?" Robin called into the darkness, "Is anyone home?"

The floors creaked underneath the group's feet as their torches darted around the room. "What a dump," Steve said.

"Don't be rude," Claudia hit his arm.

Steve picked up an oar from the wall, and began to jab at the boat covered in the tarp. "What are you doing?" Dustin asked.

"He might be in here."

"So take the tarp off!"

"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off."

Claudia stood with the two boys as Steve continued to jab. If Eddie was underneath the tarp, he was now totally bruised. "Hey, look over here," Max said, "Someone was here."

"Maybe he heard us," Robin said, "Got spooked and ran."

"Don't worry," Dustin said, "Steve'll with his oar."

"I mean, it's better than just taking off the tarp, he could be waiting finder there with an axe, or a some broken glass, waiting to-"

Claudia was interrupted by someone jumping out from under the tarp, pressing her against the wall with a broken bottle to her neck. Steve ran over to Robin, stopping her from pouncing on Eddie.

"Woah, woah, woah, Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" Dustin yelled, "Eddie! Eddie! It's me. It's Dustin. This is Claudia. She's not gonna hurt you, right, Claudia?"

"Right, I don't think I'm capable of that, anyway."

Eddie held the bottle closer to Claudia's neck. "She's cool! She's cool!"

"I'm cool, man. I'm cool."

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked.

"We're looking for you," Dustin answered.

"We're here to help. But not if you don't get of my g- my friend, alright?"

"Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band. And you know Claudia. She used to be popular, she dated Daniel. You hate Daniel. This is my friend Max, the one who never wants to play D&D. And you know Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins. Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother. Right guys?"

"Yes, yes, we swear," Max said.

"On Dustin's mother," Robin added.

"I love Dustin's mom," Claudia said shakily.

Eddie finally let Claudia go, and Robin ran over to her, as the other three walked towards Eddie "Are you okay?" She whispered.

"You may have to kiss my neck better," Claudia winked, walking towards the others.

"Eddie..." Dustin said, "We just want to talk." He reached out to touch his hand, but he flinched away. "Okay."

Robin crouched down to his level. "We wanna know what happened."

"You won't believe me," Eddie said.

"Try us."

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