XXXIX - The Promising Touch of Reynold Deighton

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To assist the young lord down from the coach, Reynold tucked a secure arm beneath Victor's trim legs before carrying him off toward the steps to the front entry. Todd had questioned Victor's condition but the blond lord hadn't wanted to explain the happenings of the day. After merely leaving it as an honest, "I strained myself a bit too much," nothing more was said on the matter. Having merely assumed Abraham had just been passing through the city just to make his unwelcome presence known, the decision was made to leave all that'd been said alone and simply attempt to forget about it. Aside from the article that'd been circulated by Christopher, things had been going so well between them, and Victor wanted to get back to having just one thing on his mind: the man he loved.

As the evening sun crept further beneath the distant horizon, Reynold easily carried the young master into the lofty manor and the door was closed behind them by Gabriel. The older footman lowered his head in greeting, letting it be known that supper would be complete in a little under an hour now that they'd returned, and without pestering the couple when they continued on toward the stairs, Todd was gracious enough to inform of Victor's slight ache.

With his face turned sweetly into the crook of Reynold's neck, the craftsman smiled to himself when he felt the tender pass of fingers smooth through the back of his hair, a kiss feathered just below his earlobe before Victor rested his head against the top of Reynold's shoulder. "Yes, my lord?" he said with a soft smile in his voice.

The strum of Victor's tone was light beside his ear, "I know you said I mustn't drown my sorrows in our intimate moments, but..." the beautiful lord held his tongue for a second, nose nuzzling into the warmth of Reynold's neck. " do not plan to deny me for long, do you?"

It was impossible to control the chuckle that shook Reynold's lungs suddenly. In the basement, he hadn't wanted them to dive immediately into sex given the lord's emotional condition. He could recall each time they'd made love under the previous circumstances, or really any time they'd made love, there was always a heightened passion that shadowed behind Victor. Sex was, yes, it'd proven to be a sort of medicine to quell unwanted thoughts, but the times they'd made love were also bonded moments presented to all who wished to share such a thing with their partner. Sex was intimate, gratifying when either party was brought to their own intense satisfaction. And that was something neither of them ever failed to meet as one. Victor had come to absolutely lose himself whenever he found his body beneath the severe, yet delirious zest of Reynold's carnal desires, or when he was given every pleasantry in the world to find himself perched atop that same driving exquisiteness. To hear that a stop to such a thing would reach him and the dark-haired man was rather disheartening to say the least.

He already knew well enough he wouldn't last much longer than a day if he and Reynold were to bring a stop, or even just a pause to all they'd gotten used to together.

"I promise this to you," Reynold wanted to assure in any way he could. "I could never hold myself off from you either, Victor. I'm afraid you've stitched yourself quite finely to my side, and to see you drift from it for too long is an impossibility for me to allow."

Reynold bit back on his lower lip as he continued to trek up the stairs and to the second floor. When he reached the wide hall leading directly to the young lord's chamber, he halted and turned his nose into the sweet scent of Victor's hair. He despised the scorching burn that encroached on the back of his throat. Where had this abrupt and unforeseen wallow surfaced from? Wanting these words that entered his mind to be heard, the craftsman carried on when he said, "It could more than certainly be said that I can no longer manage in this world without you, my love. I truly apologize with all my heart for the fright that has shaken you today. If I could make it so you never knew and would never know all of these fears, I would take on any challenge, face any adversity so that you would be forever well. I'm so sorry, Victor."

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