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VERMAX AND VALERION stirred their wings and descended upon the fresh grassy undergrounds of Dragonstone. The bigger Dragon grumbled, the smaller hissed and screeched as their riders dismounted them. The rogue Princess dragged her fingers along her Dragon's throat to which the golden beast purred. When Jace and Lunarys distanced themselves from the Dragons, they watched both winged reptiles leap off the grounds and circle the castle with roaring and screeching.

Jace and Lunarys ascended the stairs of Dragonstone's castle and opened the door to the council hall where they were met with all too familiar faces. "You're returned home safely, I'm glad to see. How did things go?" The Queen turned around with a smile, only to be met with the frown of Lunarys and Jace. "Not so greatly," Lunarys muttered softly, disappointment laced within her tone. "What happened?" Rhaenyra rushed forward and carefully grasped the two children ever so gently by the shoulders.

"The Lord was not willing to accept the offering of higher titles and riches alone, he also demanded for the hand of Lunarys," Rhaenyra furrowed her brows at her son's claims, the Princess gaze swayed from the Queen to her betrothed who was frowning deeply, his nails almost digging into his palms as his fists were balled. If Arrax had just been about the size of Syrax, she was sure he would've mounted the Dragon and stormed the Lannisters from his expression.

"We did not accept, however, Lunarys gave the Lord a piece of her mind and we were dismissed," Jace scratched at the back of his neck with a smile adorning his pale features. "She's her fathers daughter," Lord Corlys voice rung through the tension with a small laughter. "He deserved every single word of it, he tried to shoot Valerion out of the sky," Rhaenyra rose a brow, rage boiled within the blood of Lucerys, "What do you mean?" Rhaenyra's voice was low, it sounded almost as if she was hissing her words.

"A Ballista's arrow would've struck Valerion in the eye if he hadn't noticed and ducked his head," Luke slammed his hands down on the painted table, a figure that was left untouched was placed by the boy upon Casterly Rock's map painting, "This cannot simply be left at that, we should take all the Dragons we can muster up and burn them to ashes. If they don't want to bend the knee, they will be made," Rhaenyra shook her head at her son's outburst of rage. "War has already started, Luke. Burning down Casterly Rock is not our priority now," Rhaenyra calmed her son, who was pouting now slightly.

"I have news as well, Ser Erryk has fallen to his brother. Aegon had send him to slay me, but Ser Erryk gave his life for mine," Lunarys squinted her eyes, silence enveloped the room as the council mourned in silence for the loyal knight until a Knight of the Queensguard hurried up the steps, "My Queen, a raven arrived," The Black Queen took the ribbon bound piece of paper and unfolded it, her eyes scanned over the papers. "Rook's rest calls for aid, the Greens have marched upon them, setting aflame their city," rhaenyra's undertone was hesitant.

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