Car Video -Chris Sturniolo

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"Nick, literally just let me sit in the back with her." Chris pleaded.

"No, I wanna sit with her." Nick argued.

"Chris, sit down so we can film the fucking video." Matt sternly said.

"No, I wanna sit with my fucking girlfriend and Nick's making it difficult."

"Chris, it's okay. I'm right here." I giggled.

Chris huffed and got into the passenger side seat.

"So today we're gonna read assumptions about us with a special guest cause Chris didn't wanna leave her." Matt rolled his eyes.

"Dude, shut the fuck up."Chris said, pushing his brother on his shoulder. "Introduce yourself, baby."

"I'm Y\N." I waved at the camera.

Chris smiled and chuckled lightly.

"What are you fucking laughing at?" Nick asked.

"What? Am I not allowed to think my fucking girlfriend's cute." Chris Sassed.

I just blushed and looked down.

"See, she's adorable."

"Okay! Let's get started. Chris, do you wanna read the first one?" Matt asked.

"Yes." He said plainly, taking the phone from Matt. "My assumption is that Chris isn't the same in real life as he is on camera."

"He is, I'd say." I spoke.

"Yeah, I'd say he's basically the same, I mean he's not always crazy but he usually is." Nick said.

"I agree." Matt replied.

"Babe, you wanna read the next one?" Chris asked, sweetly.

"Sure! It says 'my assumption is that Matt is always like Chris' mom. On and off camera." I read.

"I wouldn't say I act like his mom." Matt laughed.

"I would, you're like his care taker when's moms not around." Nick added.

"And you fucking boss me around like you're my fucking mom." Chris said, his mouth full with a chicken nugget.

"Fuck off." Matt nudged him.

I only laughed and handed the phone to Nick.

While Nick was reading the assumption about himself Chris started talking to me, whispering almost.

"Come here." He said.

"Huh?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Come here, sit with me." He said.

"There's no more seats." I answered.

He didn't respond, only patting his lap.

"They think it's weird." I said, looking at the camera.

"So? Please? I wanna hold you." He begged.

"Okay." I sighed.

I climbed from my seat to his lap, making him smile widly.

He wraps both of his arms around my waist and buries his head in my neck.

The boys carry on with the video as if this was a daily occurrence.

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