Here For You- London Hudson

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Requested by @Skskbaiak

It's the first show where my father and his band will be attending, to say I was nervous was an understatement. My father played many shoes before and after he had me and he was amazing, all I wanted to do was play good in front of him tonight. Sure, he's heard me play before but not on stage in front of thousands of people. Or a band that's been famous for 30 years.

"You ready, kid?" My father, Axl Rose asked me.

"Yeah, just a little nervous to play in front of you guys." I explained.

"Don't be nervous, sweetheart. We've heard you play before and it was amazing." He smiled at me, resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Just scared I'll mess up is all. A little sad London isn't here." You said.

"I know, your mom missed one of our performances back before you were born and I was sad, too." He told me. Him and my mother were divorced now but they were so in love. Before she started cheating on him and abusing drugs. I despised my mother.

"Rose, on in 10." The backstage manager told me.

"Knock em' dead, kid." My dad said, giving me a kiss on my head.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

Unlike my father, I played bass. I found it most interesting as a child and my mother put me in lessons while I was with her and my father was on tour.

"Ready?" My band member asked me.

"Yep!" I lied, of course I wasn't ready.

"You'll do great." She smiled, patting my back.

"You, too." I smile back.

I relaxed as I got stage, smiling as I heard people screaming my name, my band members names and the band names. Being on stage was such a surreal thing. I wanted to be like my dad since I was a kid, touring around the world and having people enjoy you and your music.

We were almost finished with our last song as I felt a pair of long arms wrap around me. I scream and swing around because this has happened before. Some guy got on stage and tried to do the same to a band member.

The arms let go of me and I turn around to see my boyfriend, laughing at my antics.

"London!" I yelled, smiling and setting my bass down so I could jump into his arms.

"Hi, baby!" He laughed and hugged me tight.

The crowd was going wild as we had our moment together.

"When did you get here?" I asked, his face now in my hands as he holds my waist.

"This morning, your dad wanted me to surprise you. He said you were sad I wasn't here." He told me

"I can't believe you're here." I said and hugged him again.

He places his chin on my head and leaves small kisses until my band mate taps my shoulder. I turn go look at her.

"This is cute and stuff but we have to finish the show." She said, making me laugh.

"Alright, drummer boy. You know this song." I told him. He grins before going over to our drumset.

We re start the song and finished it this time.

Me smiling the whole time knowing my boyfriend and dad were watching me.

Finally finishing and saying our goodbyes to fans I rush backstage to see my dad.

I run up and pull in a tight imbrace.

"You were great, sweetheart!" He Said.

"Thank you and thank you for him." I thanked pointing at London who was patiently waiting for me to make my way over to him.

"You're welcome, sweetie." He smiled. I smiled back and made my way to London.

"I was here the whole show, you did fantasic." He grinned.

"Thank you. And thank you for being here." I smiled.

"Of course, baby."

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