Meant To Be Broken- Trevor Zegras

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Hughes, the last name that could destroy any boys hockey career. Why? Because the Hughes brothers will do anything to protect their sister.

Zegras, the last name that could destroy his career.

Sure, it's just his last name but to the Hughes, it was so much more.

He was Quinn's and Luke's friend and Jack's Best friend.

And Y\Ns secret.

"I can't belive I'm gonna be with you the whole summer." Trevor said over the phone.

I smiled at his excitement.

"I can't wait to hold you again, sweet girl." He smiled widely.

"I can't wait for you to hold me, Z." I told him.

"I wish we could tell them." He said.

"I know, I do, too. But everyone got the 'Stay away from Y\N' talk, it was part of the rules. I explained.

Jack made a set of rules for every one of his friends, at the top of the list it was that they had to stay away from me. He was the most protective of my brothers.

"Maybe it won't be that bad if we tell them together when I'm there. Come on,  baby. I hate hiding. I hate not posting you and not being able to come see you whenever I want and I hate that you don't get to stay with me whenever you want." Trevor sadly said.

"I'm just scared they won't like us anymore. And I don't wanna ruin your friendship with the boys or my parents." I replied.

"Okay, baby. Whenever you're ready, we can tell them." He smiled at me.

He was always understanding of my concerns, sure, he might not understand them but he was understanding.

"Thank you, Z." I smiled.

"Trevor, we gotta go!" I heard someone yell, definitely Jamie. "Oh. Hi, Y\NN."

"Hi, Jam." I smiled. Jamie was the only one that knew but that's because he caught us kissing.

"Bye, babe. I'll see you in a few hours. I love you so much!" He exclaimed.

"I love you, too!" I yelled back before he hung up.

"Who are you talking to?" Jack asked coming into my room.

"I was just talking to one of my friends from UM." I lied.

"Okay. Mom wants us to make sure everything is ready for guests." He said.


"Z!!" Jack screamed running to Trevor and pulling him into a hug.

None of us had seen him for three months.

I hugged everyone before I hugged Trevor just so it didn't look suspicious. I made sure to hold him a little longer.

"I missed you so much." He whispered. I pulled away before I could answer.

"Dude, how's it been?" Jack asked him then rambled for at least three hours until mom said it was time for lunch.

Trevor let everyone walk in front of us so he could pull me into a short kiss that we had both been waiting patiently for.

"I missed you." He said with our foreheads together.

"I missed you, too." I smiled, separating us.


"Come to my room." Trevor texted.

"What if we get caught?"

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