Happiness is a Butterfly- Ethan Landry

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Do you want me or do you not? I heard one thing now im hearing another.

"Ethan?" I ask

"Yeah, baby?" He says.

"Do you really wanna be with me? Like actually?" I question with a small voice.

"Of course, angel. Why would you ask that?"

"I heard some girls talking and saying that you didn't want me and you were just with me cause you felt bad for me." I sniffled.

"Don't listen to them, they're stupid. You're the only girl i'll every love. My girl" He said.

Dropped a pin to my parking spot
The bar was hot, it's 2 am, it feels like summer.

"How you doing?" Ethan asked me as I take another shot.

"Good but it's so hot in here, Feels like summer or something." I complained.

"Maybe you shouldn't have worn such a warm Halloween costume. " He chuckled.

"You just want to see me in some slutty little costume." I teased.

"Maybe." He smirked. "it's 2 am, why don't we head out?"

Happiness is a butterfly
Try to catch it like every night
It escapes from my hands into moonlight
Everyday is a lullaby
I hum it on the phone like every night
And sing it for my babies on the tour life

I sing a soft lullaby into Ethan's ear as he lays on my chest.

"I love whem you sing to me.' He mumbled into my boobs.

"Shh, i'm on my world tour." i say making him giggle.

"You a world star?" He asked.

"I'm the whole moon."

"You're my butterfly." He says.

"Why butterfly?" I ask.

"Because they're pretty and they make littke kids happy. Happiness is a butterfly." He explained.

I didn't understand it but I liked the effort.

If he's a serial killer, then what's the worst that could happen to a girl who's already hurt?
That could happen to a girl who's already hurt?
If he's as bad as they say, then I guess i'm cursed
Looking into his eyes, i think he's already hurt
He's already hurt.

"I'm so sorry." He said, sympathy in his eyes.

"Sorry? You're sorry? You almost killed my friends!" I yelled at the boy who I thought was the one I loved.

He walked towards me while I stepped back until my back hit a wall.

He put  his glove covered hands on my hips and kissed my forehead.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, baby. You're gonna come with me and I'm going to protect you from all of this. Keep you away from everything." He told me.

"Did you kill Anika and Chad?" I asked with tears streaming down my face.

"Yes, but-"

"No, buts, Ethan! You're a killer!" i cried.

"I didn't want to do it, my dad made me do it, for Richie." He tried to explain.

"You still did it, you could have gone to the cops, Ethan. You killed my best friend!" I shouted.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said.

"You already hurt me." I sniffled.

"No, baby. You were already hurt. I'm gonna fix you, i'll help you."

I look up at him with teary eyes and mascara smudged under my eyes.

"Does that sound good?" He asked.

"I don't know." I say.

"That's okay-" He gets cut off with a knife being stuck in his stomach.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, twisting the knife.

I said "Don't be a jerk, don't call me a taxi."
Sitting in your sweatshirt, crying in the backseat
I just wanna dance with you
Hollywood and Vine, Black Rabbit in the alley
I just wanna hold you tight down the avenue
I just wanna dance with you
I just wanna dance with you

"It's okay." Sam coos as I cry in the back of the ambulance.

"I killed him." I sobbed.

"Hey, he was trying to kill you, you were defending yourself." She consoled me.

"He said he wasn't going to kill me, he said he was going to protect me from all of it and take me away from everything." I cried into Ethan's sweatshirt that still smelt like him.

"But you know that was a bad decision and you did what's right instead, Y\N." She said.

"I loved him." I sniffed.

"I know you did." She hugged me

i wish it was Ethan holding me as we drove down the avenue but I know that was impossible now.

He's gone forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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