Mom's Date

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By the time Susan came back, Max was sleeping soundly. Lukas was pacing the living room, waiting for her.

"I'm back" Susan announced as she walked into the living room. "Oh hi honey, is Max asleep?"

"Yeah, she's been asleep for about half an hour." Lukas yawned.

"Do you want to stay for the night? It's late, and I'm sure your mom doesn't want you driving this late." Susan knew Lukas was a new driver. He only had his license for a few months.

"No, it's okay. It's only like an eight minute drive. There's no traffic this late anyway." Lukas declined the offer.

"Well alright, drive safe." Susan warned him and smiled as she walked towards the hallway.

"I will, oh wait-" Lukas made Susan turn around. "Max got her period. I got her some tampons, but she still bled through her shorts. Make sure she changes before it gets uncomfortable."

"Oh, alright. Thanks for telling me." Susan waved as Lukas left.

Susan walked to the bathroom and started taking off her makeup. She felt a bubble of guilt rise through her body. It was difficult to even look at herself in the mirror. She slipped out of her going out clothes and put on a nightdress. Then she went to check on her daughter. Max was just starting to stir.

Max rubbed her eyes and looked towards the door. "Mom, where's Lukas?"

"He went home darling, did you two have fun?" Susan walked in and sat on the bed.

"Yeah, we just talked..." Max rubbed her eyes more, trying to adjust to being awake.

"Let's get you changed, okay?"

Max groaned. "When you say that, it makes me feel like I'm a baby."

Susan laughed and rolled her eyes. "Maxine honey we all need help sometimes. One day you'll be changing me."

"No I won't, you're going in the home." Max joked and sat up with her mom's help.

"Oh really?" Susan raised her eyebrows. "Guess you can take care of yourself."

Max huffed as she was helped into her chair. "It's just... humiliating. Needing help with everything. Even simple things like pulling down my pants.

"Well maybe if you wore dresses like I suggested, it would make it a bit easier." Susan shook her head and sighed as she wheeled Max towards her dresser.

"I don't like dresses..." Max complained.


Susan woke up in the middle of the night. She didn't hear anything, but her motherly instincts were working. She went to Max's room, hearing her cry. "Maxine, what's wrong?"

"Everything hurts." She whined.

Susan sat on the edge of the bed. "Everything?" She frowned and placed a hand on Max's face, wiping tears with her thumb. "Is it your period?"

"I don't know- everything just hurts." Max sniffled and leaned into her mother's touch.

"Honey I already gave you medicine. I can't give you anymore yet." Susan used her free hand to rub Max's shoulder. "Do you want a hot cloth for your head?"

"Yes..." Max watched as her mom left. Susan was fast and placed a hot cloth over Max's forehead. "Just try to go back to sleep baby. Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"

"Yeah, please." Max closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Every muscle in her body felt tense and achy. She couldn't even turn her head without tearing up.

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