Sleepover With The Gang

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Two months, Max had to wait two months and by some crazy miracle, she did.

"I can't believe Sue ACTUALLY didn't invite me to Lukas' surprise party yesterday." Max mumbled bitterly while sitting on the couch, braiding her hair.

"Yeah, but at least your friends are having a get together of their own tonight." Susan watched as Max got herself ready. The last two months were a pretty depressing cycle. Max would wake up, cry over Lukas, lash out by lunchtime, apologize, catch up on some assignments, cry again, call Lukas, go to bed. It was nice to break the cycle.

"Yeah, I'm excited to hang out at Will's. It's going to feel like old times, expect not in Mike's crappy basement." Max finished braiding her hair. "Does that look good?"

"Beautiful." Susan smiled and checked the time. "Steve is going to be here soon."

"Get my walker..." Max sighed. Unfortunately she couldn't walk totally independent yet. She had to use a walker and it made her feel like a senior citizen.

Susan brought Max's walker over to her. "Remember, You have to come back before midnight."

"Everyone else is going to be sleeping over." Max didn't want to be the odd one out.

"Max...please, your mom needs to sleep tonight." Susan said in third person.

"Well, I think my mom should trust me by now." Max mocked.

"Maxine..." Susan gave Max a stern look.

"Lukas will be there." Max reminded her.

"Yes, and he's adjusting to life after cancer. He does not need you to worry about." Susan wanted to trust Max, truly. However, she knew from experience how tempting drugs could be once you've had the thrill of them.

"Mom, where would I even get drugs?" Max groaned. "Joyce and Hopper know the story. Hopper is a cop, you think he's going to let something slip? He probably emptied their damn medicine cabinets in preparation for my visit."

Max had a good point, Susan stopped to think. There would be no access to drugs, Hopper was a cop, Max wouldn't want to stress Lukas out. Susan caved in. "You can stay, but be on your best behavior."

"I know, I know." Max started walking to the kitchen. Her phone pinged, she turned around and went back to the coffee table to get it. "Better be important, walking is a bitch." Max picked up her phone, Will texted. "Oh, fuck that!"

Susan raised an eyebrow curiously. "What is it, Darlin'?"

Max wanted to cry in frustration. Finally she got to spend time with Lukas and her friends, it was ruined. "Nathan is coming too."

"Do you still want to go?" Susan didn't know exactly why Max hated Nathan. She didn't even know Nathan was the one supplying codeine in the first place. "what's wrong with that boy?"

Max knew if she told the truth, she wouldn't be allowed to go. "He's going to take Will from me. I probably won't get to hang out with Will all night."

Susan nodded, she bought it. "Aw, well that's just more time you can spend with Lukas."

"Good point..." Max was starting to get anxiety pains in her chest and shoulders. Thankfully Steve honked his horn before Susan could detect the shift in mood.


Max was the last to arrive, even Nathan was already there. She could hear him laughing with the others. She lingered by the front door timidly. She did not want to see Nathan, and nobody but her and Nathan knew why. Unless Nathan told his boyfriend that he ripped her shirt off.

Miracle {Hysterical Sequel} COMPLETE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ