Should've Tossed Them

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TW// Conversations about sex

It was a month into Lukas' treatment. He was doing fairly well considering he had only experienced something this scary once before. When Max almost died in a car accident.

Max rolled into the house, thanking Erica for letting her in. After over a month of visits, they were starting to get closer. "Thanks Erica, How did things go with Tina?"

"Good, Don't do anything weird with my brother." Was all Erica said before dragging herself upstairs with a sigh. Lukas was dragging down her sarcasm stamina. She was worried about him.

"Hey darling..." Lukas rubbed his eyes and groaned. Just having his eyes open hurt, the light seemed to blind him.

Max turned out a lamp on her way over, her eyes were feeling sensitive as well. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, but fine." Lukas turned over carefully, wanting to get a better look at her. "You look happy." Lukas noticed how Max's body was less tense, she wasn't giving him pity looks either. It had been this way for awhile now, and Lukas was happy to see it. If only he knew.

"I'm happy, a bit sleepy." Max sighed lightly and took Lukas' hand. "Any other visitors today?"

"Dustin, he brought me some comic books." Lukas gestured to the coffee table.

"Cool." Max leaned over and grabbed the one on top. "Ooh, wonder woman!"

"Take it." Lukas told her with a grin.

"Thanks..." Max opened the comic.

"I figured you'd want it. I mean, I don't blame you. Wonder Woman is hot." Lukas winked at her.

"Uh, is that all she is to you?" Max tilted her head playfully.

"No..." Lukas pouted, he thought he was actually getting called out. "She's cool, strong, independent -"

"And so fucking hot." Max giggled while flipping through the comic book.

"So, you can say it?" Lukas whined.

"You can too, but don't replace me with wonder woman." Max teased.

"I couldn't, even if she were real." Lukas reminded her, "I love you."

"Can we cuddle?" Max started inching out of her chair.

"Yeah, careful." Lukas knew Max's leg strength was improving. He was just scared that she would fall and he wouldn't be able to catch her.

"I got it." Max put both hands on the couch and lifted herself up. She only had her weight on her legs for a second before plopping down on the couch. She looked back at Lukas who was smiling proudly. "See, it's getting better..."

"I told you it would." Lukas pulled her in for a well needed cuddle session. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah..." Max turned to face Lukas. "So, you're going into your second month...four months left, you feeling nervous?"

Lukas had to admit that he was getting nervous. It was normal, it would be more concerning if he wasn't. "Honestly, yeah...pretty nervous...the doctor said I reacted really well to my first treatment though. So, there's no reason to be scared."

Max nodded slowly and brought her hand up to gently rub his cheek. "I love you no matter what. Just remember that." She kissed the tip of his nose. "We're going to get you through this."

Lukas loved the new outlook Max was sharing. "I love this new Max, where did she come from?" Lukas was only joking, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

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