Birthday Surprise

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Mature conversation about sex

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Robin sung loudly while standing on Lukas' front porch.

Lukas just laughed and crossed his arms. "You're a little off."

"Oh I'm sorry, we can't all sound like Celine Dion." Robin huffed and held up a present. "Steve said you'd like it, Barbara wrapped it. Barb says happy birthday by the way. She wanted to come, but she's got family stuff. You know how family stuff goes..."

"Yeah, thank you." Lukas looked at the present and smiled. "Did you want to come in?"

"Actually I have to go to work after this... but open it, come on!" Robin encouraged him.

"Okay, okay." Lukas started unwrapping the present before Robin exploded. His eyes lit up, it was a new basketball. It might of seemed small, but he appreciated it. "Oh, sweet! How'd you know I needed a new one?'

"Steve said Jason 'borrowed' yours. Steve also said that probably meant Jason stole it, so he suggested I get you a new one." Robin explained.

"Okay, that was a private text I sent Steve." Lukas chuckled, he wasn't too bothered. "Thanks, it means a lot."

"Sorry, and you're welcome!" Robin smiled awkwardly. "Well enjoy your birthday, you probably have fun stuff planned."

"I'm with family until the afternoon, then I'm seeing my beautiful girl, after that Steve is taking me for dinner." Lukas shared his plans happily.

"Awesome, well I'll leave you to have your amazing day. See you some time soon!" Robin saluted to him jokingly before walking away.


That afternoon Lukas drove to Max's house. He knew Max and Susan would still be in a bad mood. That was understandable. He just hoped Max would be a little less sad today. Though that was an unrealistic wish.

Lukas knocked a couple times and opened the door. He walked in, no one was in the kitchen. He went straight to Max's room and knocked. "Darling, I'm here."

Max opened the door awkwardly and smiled. "Hey..."

Lukas walked into the room and shut the door. "How is everything? Is your mom okay?"

"Yeah, she's laying down for a bit." Max nodded. "She'll probably be in her room for awhile."

"Okay" Lukas nodded. "And how are you feeling?" He walked behind her wheelchair and kissed the top of her head.

"I don't know..." Max shrugged. "Happy birthday, I promise I didn't forget."

Lukas laughed. "If you did forget that fast, I'd be worried." Lukas sat on her bed and opened his arms. "I was promised a beautiful present."

Max rolled over to Lukas and opened her arms. "Can't move my legs yet, asshole. Help me."

Lukas giggled childishly and stood up to lift her out of the chair. Once he had her, he sat back down. She ended up on his lap. "Comfortable?"

Max didn't respond, she just laid her head against his shoulder. Actions spoke when words couldn't.

"Can I kiss you?" Lukas asked.

Max looked at him like a deer trapped in headlights. She fixed her face when she saw Lukas' getting confused. She nodded hesitantly.

"I won't kiss you if you're not sure." Lukas told her.

Max spoke with her actions again. She looked up and kissed Lukas on the lips. Things were so lovely and innocent until Max's hand started wandering.

"What are you doing?!" Lukas pulled his lips away from her.

"Nothing?" Max defended herself and looked at the wall.

Lukas took her wrist and moved her hand up to his shoulder. "I love you."

"Then why can't we take this further?" Max scoffed.

"Because I love you, you're not ready for that. Don't even lie to yourself." Lukas could read her feelings like a book in this moment.

"It's not like we're little kids anymore... we've been dating for awhile." Max cleared her throat, trying not to cry.

"It's not about that, Max. It's about us being ready. You aren't ready, you still shudder when I put my hand too low on your back." Lukas moved her off his lap, and sat her next to him.

"I just would be okay, because I love you..." Max rubbed her shoulder to soothe herself, as if Lukas wouldn't.

"I appreciate the offer honey, but not yet." Lukas kissed her cheek and put an arm around her. "I love you, and I would like to do those things with you one day..." He paused as his face heated up. "But I'm not even ready yet, so let's wait until we both feel ready and confident. It'll be better."

Max looked up and stared at Lukas. If her own father figure couldn't resist, why could Lukas? Her feelings were warped from trauma. "Is it because I'm in a wheelchair?"

"No? Uh..." Lukas shrugged. "I mean, yes? But even if you weren't, it would still be a no."

"You're not attracted to me..." Max concluded.

"What?! No! Of course I am, I tell you how beautiful I think you are all the time!" Lukas insisted.

"Then why wouldn't you take the offer? I thought this is what you wanted." Max had a couple streams running down her cheeks.

"I explained why I said no, there's no secret behind it. What do you mean?" Lukas frantically wiped her eyes. "Don't cry, don't cry, please."

Max sniffled and laid her head against him. "Promise you aren't lying."

"I promise!" Lukas held her lovingly. "You're my girl. I don't want you to get hurt trying to make me happy. I'm already happy."

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