Sleepover At Robin's

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TW// Conversations about sex

I am going to add a list of triggers to the description. So people are more informed of what they are getting into from the start. :) Go ahead and check the description. If you think I should add another warning, let me know!

"If I take you for ice cream, will you tell me?" Steve was trying to bribe the truth out of Max. She was obviously upset when she left Lukas' house.

"You're not mature enough to handle it." Max stated. Steve was older than her by quite a bit, but he still lacked maturity. He'd probably glitch as soon as Max brought up the topic of sex.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed, "me? Really, I'm a lot more mature than you."

"You wouldn't know what to say." Max wanted to talk about it, but she needed someone that she knew she could count on. "Can you take me to Robin's?"

"Robin? You think Robin can handle more than me?" Steve's question came across a little mean, so he tried to fix it. "Well, Robin is amazing- I just mean, you know..."

Max rolled her eyes. "I know, she screws up her words. Comes across as rude sometimes. I'd still trust Robin more than you. I'm not going for Robin though."

Steve sighed and took a turn, heading to Robin's house. "Barb is there today?"

"Yeah, Barb said she'd be at Robin's again this weekend. Robin's parents are gone. I was planning on visiting anyway..." Originally Max was just going to chat about old trauma. Now she had a new incident to get off her chest.

"Is there a particular reason you don't trust me?" Steve started getting serious. "Did I say something, do something?"

Max didn't expect Steve to actually get serious with her, not now. "Oh, no? You just kind of overreact? You get really awkward too, like Robin."

"Overreact?!" Steve overreacted at that statement, proving Max's point. "okay, maybe in some situations. Just try me, come on."

Max could see Robin's house getting closer, might as well amuse herself before she gets out. "Lukas wants to have sex with me."

Steve didn't even pull into Robin's driveway. He abruptly parked on the side of the road and opened the door. "Jesus, I'll get your wheelchair. That's one for Barbara, not me."

Max grinned, she knew she was right.


Max sat in Robin's living room, letting one of her cats jump into her lap. "Which one is this?"

"Scrum." Robin replied and handed Max a glass of water. The cat immediately stuck it's face into Max's glass. "Scrum, behave!"

"Robin, Scrim peed on my boots!" Barb complained as she walked into the living room with her own glass of water.

"AGH!" Robin ran to the porch to collect the other cat. "Sorry, I'll clean your boots!" Robin ran back into the living room. "Silly Little me wanted two kittens when I was little. Now I'm stuck with these little assholes."

"They're cute." Max was still fighting to get Scrum's face out of her glass. "Do the names mean anything?"

"No, I just thought those names sounded funny when I was younger...I was six, not the best at picking animal names." Robin plucked Scrum off of Max's lap, her water was halfway gone. "I swear I give them water! I'll just be in my room with these jerks while you chat it up. If there's any reason that you need advice and/or tips from a nerodivergent lesbian let me know!" Robin ran up the steps, fighting with both cats.

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