Two Visitors

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TW// Mentions of sexual assault, abuse

Barbara was at work when she got the call from Max. That didn't stop her from cutting her shift short and rushing to the hospital. Even though she only knew a small portion of what happened. She wanted to tell Robin, but Max begged her not to tell anyone else yet.

She expected to see worse when she arrived at the hospital. Instead she saw Lukas and Max cuddling on the hospital bed. They looked tense, but not as panicked as she was expecting.

"Barbie!" Max was glad to see her.

"Maxi, what happened?" Barbara knew that Neil and a gun was involved.

Max shook her head. "Not yet...wait..."

Barbara understood that Max might not be ready to explain the full situation yet. "No problem, do you just want me to sit with you guys?" Barb found a seat and moved it over to the bed.

Max nodded slowly. "Lukas' mom is coming. I wanted someone to keep it from being awkward."

"Okay, do you need anything?" Barbara asked. Max had told her before that she thought Sue didn't like her. Right now Barbara's goal was to aid Max in whatever way she needed.

Max shook her head. "No."

Barbara went quiet and watched Max and Lukas cuddle on the bed. She was trying to stay positive, since she didn't know the extent of what happened. Max didn't have any visible marks. Yet Barb assumed something happened to her since she was the one in a hospital dress.

Sue walked into the room without knocking. She looked the most panicked out of everyone. Max was on anxiety medication and Lukas was in shock. Barb didn't know exactly what happened.

"Mom..." Lukas stood up and ran to her. He was hugging her like the world was about to cave in. It was like he didn't realize how scared he still was until his mom showed up. "You're here..."

Sue squeezed Lukas tightly and rubbed his back. "I'm here, sugar. You better never scare your mother like that again!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Lukas apologized and stayed in his mother's arms. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Be nice to Max, please..."

Sue looked over at the girl in the hospital bed. She slowly pulled away from Lukas and approached the bed. "You alright, hon?"

Max shrugged awkwardly and fidgeted with the blanket.

Barbara could tell Max was getting uncomfortable already. She decided to distract Sue with a conversation."Hello Mrs. Sinclair, I'm Barbara." Barb introduced herself. "I'm a family friend of Max's. I think my girlfriend Robin mentioned meeting you before- uh..." Barb noticed the cross necklace dangling around Sue's neck. "Not romantic girlfriend, platonic girlfriend." She corrected.

"Nice to meet you..." Sue skeptically shook Barb's hand. "I don't believe you."


Sue pointed out the lesbian pride pin that Barb had on her sweater. "I'm very observant."

Barb looked down at the pin and smiled, Robin had given it to her. " am I."

Sue took the free seat and gestured for Lukas to come stand by her. She held Lukas' hand and sighed. "The cops arrested that psycho, right?"

"Yeah, they did." Lukas confirmed. "Let's about it when we get home." Lukas looked back and fourth between his mom and Max. Implying that they couldn't talk about it in front of Max.

"No one got seriously hurt though, did they?" Sue at least wanted to know that.

"My mom is in the ICU..." Max told her.

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