I Never thought It Be You

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It was three months into Max's physical therapy. As much as her support team tried to motivate her, she was not motivated. Susan had to do a lot of fighting to get her to every appointment. Most of the time she wouldn't go unless she had someone with her. On this particular day, Robin was tagging along.

"You got this, Max. Don't even worry about it!" Robin encouraged from the end of the parallel bars.

Max huffed as she slowly, very slowly, walked. Most of her weight was going onto her arms and shoulders as she held the bars. "How much more of this?" She asked the physical therapist that was trailing behind her.

"This session is another 20 minutes."

Max was growing frustration. The slow pace was driving her insane. She just wanted to go back to normal now. "I want to stop now..."

"It's just another 20 minutes, keep going." The physical therapist insisted.

Max grumbled something and continued.

"You'll be okay, don't sweat it." Robin smiled nervously. "After this do you want to pop up at Steve's new job? I hear he gets free food."

"Whatever." Max wasn't in the mood to appreciate Robin's attempt at making her feel better.

Robin frowned as her attempt was underappreciated. "Did I make you mad? I'm sorry, I'm just...having trouble reading how you feel."

"I'm mad, but not at you." Max clarified and stopped to take a break. "I'm mad at myself for being a dumbass."

"Oh, alright..." Robin took out her phone and texted Steve, letting him know they might show up later. When she looked back up, Max was on the floor. "Oh shit, are you okay?!" Robin moved her wheelchair over and helped the therapist get her safely in it.

"I'm fine!" Max blurted out angrily.

"I think that's all for today...good job, you're getting stronger." The physical therapist wheeled Max out of the room.


"Hey ladies, rough day?" Steve asked as Robin and Max approached the fast food counter.

"Shut up and get us some chicken nuggets, dammit. This is an emergency!" Robin said in a sarcastic but serious tone.

"Oh wow, really rough day." Steve chuckled and looked at Max. "You want anything? It's free for you."

"And it's not for me?" Robin gasped.

"I only share my free slop privileges with the worthy." Steve teased and put Robin's order in. "That'll be $6.99."

"I want a drink too..." Robin huffed and pulled out her wallet.

"That'll be $9.99." Steve corrected.

"You're a douche." Robin threw the money at him and laughed.

"Well maybe if you came in with Barb I could of given you a couples discount." Steve winked and closed the cash register after putting in Robin's money. "Are those nuggets for here or to go?"

"Here, I want to sit at the nearest table and throw things at you." Robin stuck her tongue out playfully and claimed the closest table to the order counter.

"Asshole..." Steve muttered and looked at Max. "Can I get you anything? Really, it's free."

"Vanilla milkshake..." Max sighed.

"Coming right up...so, how's Lukas?" Steve asked causally. The place was practically empty at this time so he had time to chat.

"Still sick."

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