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Atsushis pov :
He wakes up to Aktugawas walking around filling his bag .
"Morning "
"Whatever "
He stands up stretching his arms out .
He looks at his bag which it already packed because he hasn't touched it much .
Dazai and Chuuya come in and you can see their luggage outside the door .
Atsushi looks for his pills .
'where are they ? No no no I need them !'
"You ok Atsushi loose something ? "
He looks at Dazai and Chuuya .
"No just fell to the bottom "
He sighs .
They head back to the van after breakfast .
"Did you tell kyoka your coming back ? "
"No I wanna surprise her "
They head off .
Atsushi could feel his hunger getting stronger as the journey grew .
He has his knees to his chest to stop the feeling.
He falls asleep half way back .
Getting tapped on the shoulder by Aktugawa.
"We're back you can get out now "
Atsushi looks out the window .
He's back at his house .
He gets out and goes to his door .
Dazai waves and goes to his .
He goes in chucks his stuff in his room and leaves .
Dazai catching up with him .
"Where you going ? "
" Just to grab something that's all "
"Want me to come ? "
"No it's ok you can go back to the agency "
"It'll ruin your suprise "
"Wait outside then "
Atsushi goes in and Dazai stands there on his phone .
Atsushi comes back out and they head to the agency .
They walk through the door and kyoka jumps into Atsushi.
They fall to the floor laughing .
Atsushi biting his lip to hide the pain in his thigh .
Standing up he sits at his desk .
"Well done for solving the case so early you two "
Kunikida walks over taking the file from Dazai .
"He handed himself over after he declared his love for Atsushi"
All eyes now on Atsushi .
"He didn't say that don't be dramatic . He was weirdo "
"What did he say ?"
Tanizaki walking over .
"He wanted to take my ears and bite my finger off or something it was weird "
They look at him .
"And your not freaked out or something ?"
Kyoka takes Atsushis hand .
"Not really I've had worse said-
No it wasn't scary "
He turns around pulling out his phone .
The others murmured in the background .
"Come on Atsushi let's go I'm tired . Can we hang at yours ?"
"Depends on what you mean by hang . Other than that yeah. See you later kyoka "
The two walk back to Atsushis .
Dazai immediately lays on the couch .
Atsushi going to the kitchen .
He takes out the pills from his pocket and takes one out putting the rest away .
He takes it with some water and sits down .
"What you take ?"
"Headache pill "
They watch a movie .
Half way through the pill kicks in and Atsushi relaxes a bit .
"You hungry ?"
"Not really are you ?"
" A little can I go through your cupboards ?"
"Of course help yourself "
Dazai goes through and comes back with a bag of crisps .
They finish the movie and kyoka and Yosano come in .
Kyoka sits down .
( I don't know if I made this clear they aren't living together btw )
They chat while Dazai and Yosano go in another room .
'dazai is so confusing '

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