Ch. 14 Chemistry Is A Science.

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I knew Alexander was guilty when he took me out to eat. "I'm not dressed to go out, by the way, who owns these pants?" I protested, they were a little baggy, you should've seen the freak out I had when he told me he clothed me. It brightened his mood to say the least. "Don't worry Alice, it's no where that fancy." He insisted, and I sighed. "Will it make you happy Mr. Hollingsworth?" I asked, tauntingly as I slid into my heels. The only shoes I had with me. "Yes." I let out another sigh, as I stood, perfectly poised despite my fever still making my head pound. "How did you learn to walk so well in heels?" He asked, "Well when I was nineteen, I quickly found out that guys were more likely to hire me if I wore heels to the job interview, so I taught myself. Girls would also hire me because I looked professional. So I just took some time and practiced walking in them." I explained, searching my blazer pockets, and finding bobby pins and a hair tie. Quickly I put my hair up into a bun, using the bobby pins to make sure frayed hair wouldn't stand out too much.

Alexander watched me with amusement, "So you were taking advantage of them?" I shrugged, I never really thought about it that way. "It's not my fault they think it's attractive." I answered, besides, I've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a long time now, while I'm not going to exactly strip for a job, I can't help but take advantage of this small detail. I have no choice, not then, and not now. "Why do you always tie your hair up?" He asked, holding the door open for me, I shrugged, "It's easier." I answered, stepping into the hall, I'd shoved a couple pain killers into my pocket, just in case.

"So do you want my dime?" I asked, drawing my brows. I really hated when people gave me things and I had nothing to give in return. "This is a gift Ms. Jones, accept it." He responded easily. Sighing, I nodded. Then I grinned and gave him a small salute, "Of course Mr. Hollingsworth." He raised a brow at me calling him by his last name. "You told me too." I shrugged, and I looked around in awe as we walked down to his car. As I saw the stairs, his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. "Here we use an elevator." He said, I turned, and my eyes widened. The elevator in my apartment complex has never worked, ever. I have to run down five flights of stairs, in heels, without face planting and snapping my neck. It's quite the leg work out. "Whoa, back in my apartment complex I basically have to run down five flights of agonizingly long stairs to get to work on time." We stepped into the elevator, and Alexander smiled at me. "Explains your legs." He murmured, "What?" I asked, he raised a brow. "Have you never been told how nice and toned your legs are?" He asked, and I paused in surprise. "No, never sir." I answered, he looks surprised too. "Really, haven't guys ever told you that?" I didn't answer. "Ms. Jones, are you implying you've never had a guy like you before, or got out with you at least?" I grinned sheepishly, "I mean I'm sure someone's liked me, but I never really talked to anyone. Or got out much. When I was kicked out, I was living on the streets for a while, guys weren't exactly lining up." I answered, his smiled widened mischeviously. "So this is your first date then?" He asked coyly. I felt blush tingling in my cheeks. "Is this a date Mr. Hollingsworth?" I asked slowly, he smile only meant one thing. Yes.

"Well you certainly deserve a date Ms. Jones, so yes. This is a date now." My heart thudded, I leaned against the wall of the elevator as I processed this. "Is there anything that being in first dates constitutes, like first date etiquette, should we be doing something right now?" I asked in confusion, he laughed. My blush deepened, "Well usually Ms. Jones, on a first date, the girls stands closer." He started, so I walked next to him.

"Like this?"

"Closer Ms. Jones."



Our shoulders pressed together, "First date couples usually hold hands." He clasped my hand in his, and he shook his head with a taunting smile. "No Ms. Jones, you have to laced your fingers through mine, like this." He did it, and my heart went to my throat. "Oh." I muttered, looking at our hands. He smiled at my shyness, "Haven't you at least read a romance to know this?" He asked, "I mean I don't really read many books Mr. Hollingsworth. I was either too busy studying, or working. Not much free time." I answered, still surprised. I looked up at him, "Is there anything else we need to do?" I asked, "Kiss." I let out a loose laughter at his flirting. "You are very clever Mr. Hollingsworth, but I'd never kiss a man on the first date. That's just heinous." I responded, "Damn." he muttered, making me laugh more.

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