chapter nine, the second bloodbath

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Felix found Barty staring at him a lot, the blond said it was to make sure he wasn't in pain but Felix didn't believe him fully. After their conversation, when Felix tried to mention it the day after, Barty just shrugged it off. It had been a couple of quiet days in the games, no one had died since the girl from Eleven two days ago. They had mostly stayed in the cave, Ethel and Barty left a couple of times to fish nearby but they weren't gone for long times. Felix had to stay because of his stab wound, they had received a salve that lessened the pain and accelerated the healing process but Ethel was being cautious still and Barty was not one to argue with the pint-sized blonde.

They were sharpening their weapons when the sound of trumpets startled them. The voice of Claudius Templesmith spoke in his Capitol accent, announcing that they were the final ten before informing the tributes that they only had three minutes to get to the Cornucopia, otherwise the tracker installed in their arm would detonate.

Felix, Barty, and Ethel all scrambled to their feet, wildly collecting things as Barty pointed out that they'd encounter the seven other remaining tributes, three of which were the still-alive Career tributes.

They started bolting to the centre of the arena. For the last minute, Claudius Templesmith counted down and as the time almost finished, the trio just made it out of the jungle.

The tributes waited as Claudius then announced that everyone but one tribute had made it before ending with, "Happy Hunger Games and may the odds ever be in your favour,"

It was obvious what the Gamemakers wanted. A second Bloodbath.

Felix saw as the other tributes fought and as the three Career tributes rushed towards them, slashing another tribute down, "Guys? We need to go, like right now," his voice was rushed but still, he didn't manage to get his words out quick enough, the big male from District 2 threw a knife into Barty's abdomen.

Barty let out a loud cry, falling to the ground even though Ethel tried to hold him up, she couldn't handle his weight and they both crumbled to the ground. Felix's hand darted to a knife he had sheathed before and he swiftly threw it at the District 2 boy, throwing two more quickly after, wanting them to hit the other two Careers. He heaved Barty to his feet, "," he groaned, half-guiding, half-pulling Barty back into the jungle, Ethel behind them to make sure no one followed.

When they thought they were deep enough into the jungle, Felix propped Barty against a tree as Ethel took a sip of water, forcing the boys to do the same. Felix had a hard time helping Barty to where they were, Barty was taller and heavier than Felix who had a harder time because of his still-healing arm. He didn't have it in him to get the blond all the way back to the cave but that wouldn't stop him, he would try his hardest.

Four cannon shots went off, the second Bloodbath had ended, and Felix could only hope that two of the four shots were for two-thirds of Career tributes. That would mean his biggest threats were basically gone, which also would mean that it would be easier to make sure Ethel was the victor without constantly having to look over his shoulder.

"Do you think you can make the rest of the way back to the cave?" Felix whispered to Barty.

"Yeah, totally, I only see one problem...I have a knife in my side!"

Felix rolled his eyes, holding back sarcasm as Ethel rummaged through her pack, searching for anything that could help them while Felix cut away the part of Barty's jumpsuit around the wound with a knife.

They had the salve which they applied as well as a clean rag from one of the dinners provided by their sponsors which they used to apply pressure on either side of the knife still embedded.

When the bleeding was controlled enough for them to stop worrying about him bleeding out, Ethel dressed the wound.

"Better?" she asked softly.

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