chapter fourteen, paramour

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Felix woke up with another headache, this was worse than the one he had on the Reaping day. He changed out of his clothes into a fresh black shirt and a pair of sweatpants. While on the train, he didn't have to dress up, that would change once the train reached the station. Walking out of his room, he greeted Effie with a tight hug, Haymitch with a high-five and Peeta with a fistbump. Effie went off to wake Katniss up so Felix started choosing from the spread in front of him. He noticed that Haymitch was drinking a mixture of juice and liquor.

Unlike Peeta and Katniss surely, Felix was used to the rich and delicious Capitol food. He'd always sneak some back to the district when he and Haymitch were taking the ride home whenever their tributes died, which more times than not, would happen during the Bloodbath.

He was adding milk to his tea as Katniss walked in. She and Peeta shared a couple of words, something about the hot chocolate. She stuffed her mouth with as much as she could get her hands on, Felix could basically hear Effie trying not to reprimand the girl before she turned to Haymitch and Felix.

"So, you two are supposed to give us advice,"

"Oh yeah, your first priority should be getting out of the Bloodbath. Most likely there'll be stronger and faster tributes and if they get to an axe or something else before you?" Felix snapped his fingers, "It's over."

Katniss nodded, looking at Haymitch with a look of disgust that Felix knew well. After all, he had insulted Haymitch right in his face about his nonchalance and drinking. But now? Haymitch was his closest friend, his brother. He knew that his drinking problems were a coping method and he knew that his lackadaisical self was a result of him having to see pairs of kids year after year die in horrific ways.

He thought back to eight years ago, on this very train.

" do you move on, Haymitch? I...I feel shit," Felix mumbled bitterly as he played with his food. Effie was in her room, preparing for all the cameras. Haymitch had finally gotten Felix out of his bed and he hadn't cried in about ten minutes so that was something. They were sitting opposite each other at the dinner table.

Haymitch took a while to respond, carefully figuring out what to tell the boy.

"You find something to ground you...and you just have to...move on. Find something that helps you deal with the pain..."

"Like your alcohol?"

Haymitch shrugged and with that, their conversation was over.

"And you? Got anything?" she said, directed towards Haymitch. At her words, Felix snapped out of his reminiscing.

"Oh, I've got some advice. Stay alive," he laughed, making Felix open his mouth to tell Haymitch off but Peeta got to it before he could.

"That's very funny," he said flatly, knocking Haymitch's glass out of his hand, "Only not to us,"

And then, as Felix started to speak, trying to calm the boys down, Haymitch went and punched Peeta in the jaw, sending him to the ground. Felix jumped out of his seat immediately, helping Peeta to his feet and as he did so, Katniss grabbed a knife and lodged it into the table between Haymitch's hand and the bottle of alcohol he was trying to reach.

Felix sputtered, "Guys? Haymitch, knock it off," he said as he scooped up some ice for Peeta to put on his jaw.

Haymitch ignored him, "Have I got some fighters this year? Finally?"

Those words pulled Felix back to this very same train, eight years ago, when Haymitch had said them to Felix and Ethel. What was it with this year's tributes that reminded Felix of his games? But notably, Haymitch then had only said fighter, this year he used the plural version.

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