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Elijah has a hard time going to the compound as his place is still getting renovated and he was working alongside others. But for betterment, his and Hayley's relationship got on track. So good they decide to spend time in the bayou with others, basically Freya. But there are also the nights where he spent most of his time waking up wondering about Larousse having his journal. He basically stops talking a lot, keeping things to himself.

Freya is pacing around the study while Elijah, looking tense, is standing and watching her. She turns and gives him an incredulous look "You daggered Rebekah? And you're just telling me now?"

"She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And, to protect her, I've told Niklaus, and I'm telling you."

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe. Rebekah was killed by family. That leaves friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes."

Elijah adds "Just one or two."

Freya gave him a look "Thankfully, not many friends."

Just then, Klaus walks into the room with Stefan in tow "Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend." Elijah hilariously rolls his eyes at the sight of Stefan, and Freya gives Klaus a hard look.

"One of my trickle-down sire lings. Long story." Klaus turns to Stefan "Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister. Also, a long story."

Stefan nods and smiles weakly in acknowledgment, and Klaus turns back to Freya to address her as he pats Stefan affectionately on the back "Stefan needs a favor."

Stefan interferes "Actually two"

Freya looks at Stefan suspiciously "You're an old "friend," are you?"

Stefan awkwardly "Well... That kind of depends on your definition."

Stefan smiles nervously, but Freya continues to scowl at him, "and I also needed my friend's help"

"Now Stefan, that's too much," Nikolaus argued.

"She is a close friend of Caroline. Last I saw her coffin in my van. I accidentally left her near St. Affirmatory," they all threw their hands in the air.

"You said you were friends," Elijah taunted with a tight smile, glaring at his brother with cold eyes.

Niklaus ignores Stefan's demand "I am supposed to only protect you Stefan make your choices wisely"

"She is the godmother of Caroline's daughters," he continued "don't worry she doesn't need high maintenance" Klaus sighed and pulls the phone out of pocket "Marcel I need you to look for a van that contains a coffin near the affirmative, and Marcel doesn't peek. I am on my way."


Davina is consulting her notes on the de-linking spell that is still hanging in the pool room when she hears footsteps approaching and sighs, visibly stressed out. It's Marcel, who looks concerned as well "You got everything you need to break the sire link?"

"Almost. Aya's getting the rest. I should be ready by sunrise. It'll be fine, I promise. You may feel some warmth when the spell begins, but it'll pass when the link's broken."

Marcel still appears to be terrified, and Davina gives him a pointed look "I know that face."

"Crazy spell. Substitute hearts. Creepy witches helping you out. What if the warmth is the last thing I feel?"

"I'll be careful."

"I get that. And I am game. But we are on a tightrope with the Mikaelsons. I mean, that's not just anybody's heart. Jackson was a friend to them, and he was to us."

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