008 ➶ Because My Calendar Is Open

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A/N: Revenge plots, unlikely allies, and a romantic dip. TW: Hints of teen bullying and mentions of pica. Billy's anger gets scary for a hot sec. **Humbly asking for interaction, comments, votes, and recs mean a lot xoxo

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   "Wish it was warm enough to eat outside." Evie grumbled. Picking crust off her sandwich.

Ignored Carol's cackling three tables away. All the clicking of cutlery on plastic trays grated worse.

"How was that dinner at Billy's?" Heather looked up from her lunch.

"Susan had to call and cancel. I guess she wasn't feeling well." Evie frowned. Wondered if Neil liked her staying out late with Mona and her friends. "Rain check."

Behind Heather, Steve Harrington was wandering with a tray. Looking lost as he always did this time. No longer friends with Tommy and giving Nancy and Jonathan some space.

"Steve." Evie piped up, pressing her lips. "Want to sit with us?"

He blinked. Crossed.

"Yeah...that's cool." He slid into the bench next to Evie. Plastered a little charm. "Ladies."

"Hey." Heather's smile brought pink into Steve's soft cheeks.

"Evie, you know Hargrove is staring at you, right?" Steve started to cut into his slab of meatloaf, gesturing with his chin. "What's the deal with that? He's been trying to use his laser eyes since school started again."

Evie spotted Billy a couple tables behind Heather. Intent. He didn't look away when their eyes met. Evie just shrugged.

"I don't know what you mean, he's just annoying. Forgot he even existed." Evie scooped up some mushy peas and gagged them down. Heather studied her.

"He's a little prick." She decided.

"He's a dumb guy."

"He's not a guy, Evie, he's a prick."

Steve snickered at them.

"You reject him or something? Seems like a persistent asshole." Steve went on.

"As if Billy Hargrove would ever be into me." Evie looked away. Said that before.

"Whatever. Billy and his penis don't deserve you." Heather got Steve choking on milk laughing. Some came out his nose. "Oh no!"

"Here." Evie was giggling too, pressing a napkin to her friend's mouth and nose. "Heather, go easy on him."

"So much for King Steve, right?" A laugh followed but it sounded weak. Evie only pressed her lips.

"Royalty is overrated. Steve is fine." She smiled a little for him. Met his dewy eyes and pulled away. When she faced Heather, Billy was gone. "Heather and I were hitting the movies after school. Want to go with us?"

"Like hang out?" Steve perked so Heather nodded too. All smiles. "Uh, yeah. I'd like that. I'll drive."

"Perfect. We do this thing where we show up and watch whatever is playing soon. Bad or not... Oh, shoot...I gotta hit the library, I forgot to return something." Heather winked and got up to dispose of her trash. Left Evie with the pretty boy.

"You ride your bike in, don't you?" Steve turned his head as Evie picked up her water. "It's winter."

"Seasons change, my boy." Evie sipped, beaming.

"I just wondered if maybe you wanted like a ride to school and back."

"Heather usually is able to grab me. The before and after school extracurriculars are starting to pile for her..." She blinked.

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeWhere stories live. Discover now