Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Here it is! The moment you've all been waiting so patiently for! The newest update to Flicker In The Dark. Hope you enjoy!


A second thump sounds from behind Zak.

            “I want to document that I heard two loud thuds coming from this hallway.” Zak speaks to his camera. He pulls out a small recorder from his pocket and turns it on. He holds it out in front of him before speaking.

            “Who is here in this hallway with me? What is your name?” Zak calls out, his voice echoing off the walls.

            Get out.

            “I feel a cold breeze sweeping over my body. There are no windows open in this entire building. Is that you? Are you here next to me?” Zak remarks.


            “Get out.” I hiss at the intruder. Who does this guy think he is? How dare he come in here and talk to Emma?

            “Leave Emma alone!” I bellow at him. He stiffens visibly, his head turning towards me.

            “Who are you? Tell me your name!” He shouts. I smirk and approach him.

            “Oliver.” I hiss in his ear.

            “Oliver?” Zak mutters to himself, trying to place a last name to the disembodied voice. “Is that you, Dr. Campbell?”

            “Get out.” I voice.

            “I am not going to leave until I get some answers! Why did you kill Emma?! What’s the real reason?!”

            I laugh malevolently before turning and walking away. I will not be bossed around by this pathetic excuse of a man. Placid Hills and all its residents belong to me…especially Emma.

            “Now I don’t feel anything. Whatever spirit was standing next to me is gone now. Let’s continue up to Emma’s room.” Zak remarks as he turns his camera forward and begins his trip up.

            The remainder of his trip upstairs is uneventful. He can faintly hear Aaron and Nick as they conduct their EVP sessions.


            Nick settles into a chair in the Operating Room and sets up the thermal imaging camera. He places a digital recorder on the metal table.

            “Eleanor? Are you in here Eleanor? It’s Nick.” Nick calls out loudly to Eleanor, waiting to feel the tale-tell signs that a spirit is with him. “I’m going to be using the Ovilus II to try and communicate with Eleanor.” Nick pulls out the brick-like device and it turns on with a ping.

            “Are there any spirits in this room with me?” Nick begins.


            “Is there a spirit here in trouble?”

            Nick. Help.

            “Eleanor, are you in trouble?”


            “How did you get hurt?”


            A high-pitched scream rips through the room, sending chills down Nick’s spine. Nick grabs his night-vision camera and pans across the room.

            Standing beside the metal operating table is a large, black shadow figure. It towers above something that Nick can’t see and isn’t picked up by the night-vision.

            “Help me Nick!” An EVP is captured on Nick’s digital recorder.

            “I see you over there! Who are you?!” Nick bellows. The shadow figure moves from behind the table and slowly advances towards Nick. A blast of cold air hits Nick as the figure disappears before his eyes.

            “Come back here! Who are you?” Nick articulates as a sense of foreboding and anger wash over him.

            “Oliver Campbell.” A disembodied voice whispers a chilling message in Nick’s ear. Nick springs to his feet and hurries to the other side of the room.

            “Why are you terrorizing the other spirits in this hospital Oliver?” Nick shouts. The air changes suddenly and the evil spirit is gone just as quickly as it arrived.


I'm sorry this part is so short, but I thought that you would rather have a short update than no update at all. :) Thank you for all the reads, comments and new readers!

<3 Stacey

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