Return to Placid Hills

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*Sorry that I have not been posting as much as I should, but I've been pretty busy with school stuff. I promise I will try to post more often.

<3 Stacey


“You got it Kellie.” Aaron replied as he quickly changed the flat tire.

            In a matter of minutes; Kellie, Nick and Aaron got back in the SUV and drove down the highway after Zak. Kellie leaned out of the open passenger window as they approached Zak.

            “Come on now; get in the car.” Kellie said as Aaron slowed down to keep pace with Zak. Nick pulled the car to a stop and Kellie grabbed Zak by the arm.

            Zak collapsed in the backseat next to Kellie, sweaty and out of breath. Kellie fished out a water bottle from the cooler in the back and handed it to Zak.

            “Let’s hustle Nick; I’ve got to head back to the pub tonight around closing time.” Kellie stated.

            Nick threw the car into gear and sped down the highway towards the small dot on the horizon that was Placid Hills Hospital.

            “Kellie what can you tell us about Placid Hills? What kind of activity has been reported?” Zak asked.

            “There have been all different sorts of paranormal activity at Placid Hills.” Kellie stated. “I’ll tell you more about it once we get there.”

            The short ride to Placid Hills was kept silent, each man to their own thoughts. Kellie stared out the window, glancing over at Zak every so often to make sure he hadn’t succumbed to heat stroke. The last thing any of them needed was for Zak to keel over.

            “Are you doing okay Zak?” Kellie whispered.

            “Yeah Kellie, I’m fine now.” Zak replied. “I’m sorry I ran off like that guys. I don’t know what came over me. Emma is calling to me; I can feel it.”

            Nick pulled the SUV to a stop by the front doors of Placid Hills.


            I’m walking through the Children’s Ward when I hear the familiar sound of tires crunching on the gravel out front. I run to the nearest window and peer out, my spirits lifting in jubilance as Nick, Aaron and Zak step out of the car. They are accompanied by a woman I have seen only a few times before. Kellie Flannigan, the one who tried to renovate Placid Hills a few years ago. She is a nice woman and I am comfortable with her presence here.

            “I need to go check on something guys. I will catch up with you in a minute.” Zak states. He jogs up the walkway and into the building.

            I move from my place by the window and into the hallway.

            “Emma! Emma, are you here? Emma its Zak, I came back.” Zak shouts, his voice echoing through the building.

            “Zak.” I call. I hear his footsteps run up the stairs and a few seconds later, I see him emerge from the stairwell. I run towards him and pass through him, letting him know I was there.

            Zak smiles briefly before turning around and walking back down to the ground floor. I pause a moment then decide to follow him down. I know he just came upstairs to tell me he was back. Zak is a man of his word and I was grateful that he did not abandon me as Oliver had.

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