Why must you do this?

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I decide to keep quiet for the rest of the day. I had already made my presence known to them and I left them wanting more.

            The men spent the next hour or so walking around Placid Hills, talking into their cameras. They were kind and respectful of everything they came in contact with, including the old furniture where dozens of bodies once laid. In my almost 100 years residing at Placid Hills Hospital I have never met people who respected and loved the old building quite like Zak, Nick and Aaron.

            “Let’s pack up our stuff and head into town. Maybe we can find some locals who know about this place or who’ve had some experiences here.” I heard Zak announce from downstairs.

            I raced downstairs as fast as I could. Why were they leaving? Had I done something to upset them? Did I scare them away? I had to stop them from going away. I had to do something.

            I planted myself in front of the entrance to the hospital and waited for them to approach. It seemed like an eternity before I saw them round the corner and head my way.

            “First we’ll head to City Hall to meet with Edith Mueller. She used to work here when she was younger and has had a few experiences here. Then we’ll walk around town and see if we can track down some leads on other witnesses.” Zak explained.

            Nick stopped inches in front of me. His eyes widen in shock for a split second, but I saw it.

            “Whoa man it got really cold all of a sudden right in front of these doors! Look I’ve got goose-bumps on my arms.” Nick held his arm out to the others. They gasped and looked at one another.

            “I’m feeling a lot of angry energy around me right now.” Aaron added. They quickly set their bags down and began pulling out more equipment.

            “You keep your camera running Aaron.” Zak said. Zak pulled out a small black box and held it in his hand for the camera.

            “This is what’s called an EM pump. It pumps massive amount of Electromagnetic energy into the room that the spirits can use to speak to us. Let’s see if we can make contact with the spirit near us.” Zak set the EM pump on the ground and they all stepped away from it.

            I could feel the change in the air. It was sudden but felt like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. I had never been in the presence of so much energy before and I was feeling overwhelmed.

            “I’m also going to be using what’s called an Ovilus II. It allows a spirit to manipulate energy into words that are then displayed on this screen so we can see as well as hear what the spirit is saying.” Zak turned on another strange device and held it in his hand. “Is there someone in the room with us right now?”

            “Yes.” The Ovilus II responded almost instantly.

            I quite liked this device. It took some energy to use, but with the massive amounts being generated in the room, it was easy for me to manipulate the Ovilus II.

            “What is your name?”


            “Is there something you are trying to say to us Emma?”


            “You want us to stay in this room?”

            “Stay. Hospital.”

            “You want us to stay in the hospital?” Aaron asked.

            I went to speak again but was cut off by Zak turning off the Ovilus II.

            “Let’s try communicating with Emma using the Spirit Box. It seems to me like Emma has a lot she wants to say to us and the spirit box is easier for the spirits to use because of the white noise.” Zak pulled out yet another device and turned it on. “The Spirit Box changes channels at a rate of four per second so that there is no radio interference. The spirits can talk through the white noise.”

            “Do you want us to stay in the hospital Emma?”

            “Yes I do.” I replied. Zak was right; the Spirit Box was by far easier to talk through than the Ovilus II.

            “Please don’t go.” I pleaded. “Why are you leaving?”

            “Sweetheart we have to go eventually. We can’t stay here forever. We’ll be back again later tonight Emma. I promise. We’re just going to talk to other people in town for a while. But I promise you that we will come back and talk to you again.” Zak assured me.

Flicker In The Dark--A Ghost Adventures TaleWhere stories live. Discover now