The story of Eleanor Winston

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated FITD. All of my writing is done on my laptop and I don't have internet access on my laptop so I have to go to a coffee shop to upload. I've also had quite a bit of writer's block with this particular story, but that's nothing a Ghost Adventures marathon can't cure! :)

Thank you to everyone who has commented and voted! It's awesome to see that others find my writing as interesting as I do.

In this chapter we get into Emma's story a little more and Oliver makes his debut. I promise Zak, Nick and Aaron will make their apperances quite soon! Remember to keep commenting and voting and tell your friends!!

Here is the update on Flicker In The Dark. And a shoutout to LoveLogan101 for asking about an update!

-Stacey <3

I pass through the same hallways and rooms as I always have for the past 30 years. They never change, save for the occupants. Oliver should be here any minute. He always checks on the patient in room 2230. It is here that I will show myself to Oliver and he won’t be able to deny what he’ll see.

    I watch as Oliver waltzes in. He’s still as arrogant as ever.

    “Hello there Eleanor; how are you feeling today?” He asked the small girl lying in the bed. Eleanor Winston was a girl of about 13 who was battling a brain tumor. Her prognosis was grim and the only thing left for the doctors to do was to make her as comfortable as they could until she died. Eleanor turned and looked straight at me for a moment before speaking.

    “I’m fine Dr. Campbell. My friend came to see me today. She’s very nice.” Eleanor replied. I knew she was talking about me. It seemed that Eleanor could sense my presence and talked to me when she was alone. I have no idea why she can sense me or hear my voice, but by some strange rare chance she can. We would talk for hours in the night until she drifted off to sleep. Eleanor had no family to visit her in Placid Hills. She was just like me. A cast-off from her family as soon as it was discovered she was sick.

    “You had a friend today? What’s her name?” Oliver asked her. Though Oliver was an arrogant man; there was a soft spot in his heart for the children at the hospital. It was the only time he was truly kind and showed compassion.

    “Emma.” Eleanor said with a smile. The color began to drain from Oliver’s face.

    “W-What’s Emma’s last name Eleanor?” Oliver stuttered. I drifted closer to Eleanor’s bedside. Her eyes flitted to me; a look of hesitation on her face.

    “Go ahead Ellie. You can tell Dr. Campbell my name. He and I are old friends.” I whispered, motioning toward Oliver.

    Eleanor turned to look at Oliver again. “Her name is Emma Brantley. She says you and her are old friends. Do you remember her Dr. Campbell?”

    The color drained completely from Oliver’s face and he swayed on his feet like he was about to faint. “Why yes I do remember Emma. She died quite a long time ago. How do you know her Eleanor?”

    “She’s my friend Dr. Campbell. She comes and visits me every day. We talk all the time. She’s here now Dr. Campbell.” Eleanor pointed in my direction. I smiled.

    This was it. The time had finally come to reveal myself to Oliver Campbell. I focused on the energy being generated in the room; gathering it from the various machines and the people in the room. But I didn’t take energy from Eleanor, never from Eleanor. Eleanor needed all of her energy if she was going to stand a chance against the tumor.

    When I finally had enough energy built up, I concentrated on making my apparition as clear and solid as possible. My face was serene and calm as I appeared before Oliver. He screamed out and dropped the papers in his hands.

Flicker In The Dark--A Ghost Adventures TaleWhere stories live. Discover now