New friends and bitter enemies

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Nick takes a deep breath as he attempts to collect himself before continuing with the lockdown.

            “I just documented an evil, malevolent spirit that seems to be bullying the innocents that are trapped here.” Nick stumbles over his words as he struggles to reign in his emotions.

            Nick pulls out his walkie-talkie. “Hey Zak?”

            Zak responds almost instantly. “What’s up Nick?”

            “Dude, there is something evil in this hospital. I just caught a black shadow figure on my night-vision. And I heard a disembodied voice right in my ear.”

            “Was it Oliver Campbell?” Zak asks.

            “Yeah…how did you know?”

            “I came into contact with that same spirit earlier when I was going up to Emma’s room. Be careful around him Nick, he seems to be very possessive of the female spirits. If he comes back, let me know and I’ll get down there.” Zak warns.

            “I will Zak. You be careful too.” Nick says before putting his walkie-talkie back in his pocket. Nick sits back down in the chair and rubs his hands over his face.

            “I’m not really sure what to do at this point. I’m feeling drained right now. Whatever that spirit was, it wanted to hurt me.” Nick sighs. “I’m going to use the SB-7 spirit box to try and communicate with Eleanor; she may or may not still be here.” Nick pulls out the small speaker and turns it on. White noise quickly fills the room.

            “Are there any spirits in the room?” Nick begins. No voices come through and Nick fears that Eleanor has been scared away.

            “Eleanor, are you still here? Oliver is gone now.” Nick explains.

            “I’m here.” Eleanor’s voice finally comes through, along with a wave of fear that engulfs the room.

            “You don’t have to be scared Eleanor, Oliver is gone and I won’t let him hurt you again. I promise.” Nick states boldly.

            “Are there any other spirits in here with us?” Nick asks above the white noise.

            “Yes.” A different female voice comes through; an older woman.

            “How many of you are there?”

            “Three.” The voice responds.

            “Eleanor, are these spirits your friends?” Nick questions.

            “We are friends.” The same voice answers.

            The static night vision camera in the room captures a small pulsating orb hovering next to Nick before it disappears into his arm.

            “What is your name?” Nick ponders.

            “Mary Lynne.” The woman’s voice replies.

            “Mary, when did you die?” Nick asks.

           "19...60."  Mary states with a pause.

“How did you die?” Nick questions. This question Mary does not answer. No voices come through the white noise of the spirit box.

            “It seems that Mary’s spirit is no longer here in the room with me, and the atmosphere is back to normal.” Nick says.

On the other end of the hospital...Aaron was having trouble of his own.


.So that's it! The long, long awaited update to FITD! I apologize whole-heartedly for taking some long to update. Between classes starting up again (including two medical coding class and an online creating writing class) and having the worst writer's block of my life, I haven't been able to upload.

I promise to try harder to upload, which might start getting easier with wifi now in my house, so (hopefully) expect an update in two weeks (hopefully...maybe less)

<3 Stacey

Flicker In The Dark--A Ghost Adventures TaleWhere stories live. Discover now