Awake the Demon

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A/N: I am so so so so SO sorry that I have not updating in quite a long time. In june I got sick and ended up in the Emergency Room, and afterwards I didn't feel up to writing. I was completely out of inspiration, and couldn't seem to rouse my muse from her slumber. I have been writing since I last updated, but it took a while to have enough to put into an update. I apologize again for dropping off the radar like that. And before you all get worried, thanks to new episodes of Ghost Adventures, my muse has awakened and is now here in full force.

Expect an update within a week or two.

Thanks again!

<3 Stacey


“Ok so I’m here on the first floor in Trauma room number 3. This is where you’d go when you got in an accident and had to get fixed up. The story in this place is that a little girl named Tasha died here back in 1964.  She seems like a friendly spirit, and from the stories that Kelly has told us, she only wants someone to play with.  I’m the perfect guy for that, the kid spirits seem to love me.” Aaron chuckles.

            Aaron sets his camera down on the table and pulls out a digital recorder.  He turns it on and slowly makes his way around the room.

            “Are there any spirits in here who want to play?  I’m not here to hurt you.  I just wanna play.” Aaron begins. There was something different in the air, but Aaron couldn’t put his finger on what it was.

            “Aaron … come out and play!” A young child’s voice echoes on the digital recorder, and a malevolent feeling fills the air. Aaron’s pulse quickens and he starts to sweat as he realizes this is no ordinary spirit. This is a demon. And it’s out for blood.

            Aaron knows he has to be strong, because looking weak in the demon’s eye, makes him an easy target.

            “You can’t scare me!” Aaron shouts, raising his voice. “Get out of here demon! You don’t belong here!”

            “This is my domain. You have no power here. I own everything. Run.” The chilling message slides across Aaron’s body, leaving raised hair and goose bumps in its wake.

            Aaron reaches clumsily for his walkie-talkie. “Hey Zak, Nick?”

            Zak is the first to respond. “Yeah what’s up Aaron?”

            “I-I don’t think we should be split up anymore. Why don’t you and Nick come down to the room where Tasha died?”

            “Get out!” A man’s harsh whisper statics over the walkie-talkies and both men freeze.

            “We’ll be there ASAP Aaron.” Zak says and the channel goes silent. Aaron pockets his walkie-talkie and turns the camera around.

            “There’s something bad in this hospital. I mean, really bad. Something that won’t stop until it hurts one of us. We haven’t come into contact with a spirit this evil since Poveglia Island.” Aaron tells the camera, shaking his head as he recalls the lockdown that possessed Zak.

            “Are there any friendly spirits here?” Aaron asks again. “Does the bad spirit not want you talking to me? Is he hurting you?”

            “He’s gonna get you!” A child’s mocking voice is captured on the digital recorder sitting beside Aaron on the table.

            “Who is the evil spirit that’s haunting this place? What is your name?” Aaron remarks.

            Heavy footsteps walk slowly down the hallway towards Aaron.

            “Zak? Is that you?” Aaron asks. There is no answer, and Aaron freezes. “Who’s out there?”

            A sudden burning sensation in his leg drops Aaron to his knees. He pulls up his pant leg and shines his flashlight on it.

            “Oh my God!” Aaron exclaims. He grabs his camera and points it at his leg. “Something scratched my leg!” Three long scratches snake down Aaron’s left calf.

            “Aaron! Aaron!” Zak shouts as he races into the room. “Are you okay? I heard you yell.”

            “Look dude, something scratched me!” Aaron remarks and points his flashlight at his leg again.

            Zak bends down and examines the scratches. “There are three scratches there; dude, that’s demonic!” Zak stands quickly, a look of fierce determination set on his face. Whoever … or whatever scratched Aaron was about to have Hell to pay.

            “Who did this?! Show yourself!” Zak bellows. He pulls out the SB-7 spirit box and turns it on. “Who scratched Aaron?”

            An inhuman growl comes through the device. A chill races up Zak’s arm and he almost drops the spirit box.

            “What is your name?! Tell me your name!” Zak shouts.

            “Oliver.” His voice announces, followed by an evil chuckle.

            “Zak, do you still have Oliver Campbell’s journal that the museum let you borrow?” Aaron asks. “Maybe he wrote something in there about bargaining with the devil.”

            Zak turns off the spirit box and sets it on the nearby table. He reaches into his backpack and pulls out the journal. He flips through the pages, reading under his breath.

            “Here we go, I found something. Quote: ‘December 14, 1925. I must find a way to banish Emma’s ghost from this hospital and from my life for good. I am not to blame for Emma’s death, but she will not leave. I know she is here at Placid Hills; I can feel her energy following me. No one believes that Emma is here. They call me crazy; they scoff and laugh at me behind my back. But they’ll see … soon they’ll all see that I’m telling the truth. My mother speaks of a spell; an incantation that will bind Emma’s spirit to the physical plane so I can kill it. She says that is the only way to rid myself of Emma. I will do it tonight in the basement once most of the staff has left.’ There’s two days missing after that, but the next entry is chilling. Quote: ‘December 17, 1925. It didn’t work! The spell mother gave me was wrong! Or maybe I didn’t say it right. Maybe I messed something up. Instead of binding Emma’s spirit to the physical plane … the spell summoned a strange evil creature; the kind you read about in the bible. It’s a creature straight from the depths of Hell. Its skin is red and burns my flesh when it touches me. Horns rise up from its head and its talons drip with poison. It spoke to me. It calls itself Malachi.’

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