Reveal The Truth

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been as active as I promised before. I was job-hunting and it takes a lot of my time. Here is the LONG LONG LONG awaited installement of FITD!

<3 Stacey


"There's more to this journal entry. 'Malachi tells me that he is under my command. That I only need to offer him a blood sacrifice and he will do anything I desire. I asked Malachi to make me like him; a demon. It has begun.’” Zak flips through a few more pages. “There’s nothing else in here about the demon Malachi. What happened after Oliver desired to become a demon? Did Malachi accept? What … happened?”

            The silence that follows is shattered by a woman’s scream that echoes down the empty corridors. Chills race up Aaron’s arms and he trembles. Zak’s blood freezes as he recognizes the voice.

            “Emma!” Zak races from the room, grabbing a camera and flipping on his flashlight as he goes. “You stay away from her, Oliver!” Zak’s voice fills the hallways with barely contained rage. “She doesn’t belong to you! Leave her be!”

            He follows the immense feeling of fear that seems to seep in through the very walls. At the center, in her room, Zak could sense Emma’s spirit cowering in terror from Oliver’s malevolent darkness. Zak knows he has to do something to protect Emma from Oliver and he has to do it fast. They aren’t dealing with just an angry spirit anymore; they’re dealing with something demonic.

            Zak runs to Emma’s room and is instantly hit with a cold, dark presence. He freezes in place, unable to move. “Whatever is in this room isn’t letting me move. I’m completely frozen … I can’t move at all.” Zak remarks. “Who’s in there? Oliver, are you there?! Come out here and face me!” Zack tenses as Oliver’s dark presence threatens to take over his body. “I won’t let you possess me Oliver!”

            A chilling EVP is captured on the digital recorder in Zak’s hand. “You can’t escape.”


            I watch from my hiding place in the corner of my room as Oliver attacks Zak. I know I should do something, but he terrifies me. Oliver has changed since he was alive. He’s not the same man I’d seen in him back when he was caring for Eleanor. His soul is dark, almost demonic in presence.

            “Leave him alone!” I shout with all of my might. The very walls of the hospital seem to shake with the power in my voice. “You don’t belong here Oliver!”

            Oliver looks at me over his shoulder, dismissing me as an adult would a child having a tantrum. I’m not worth his time. He has his eye set on the grand prize, Zak. Oliver knows as well as I do that if he possesses Zak’s body … he’ll be unstoppable, and Nick and Aaron will suffer.

            “Why are you doing this Oliver? This isn’t who you are. This isn’t the Oliver that I loved all those years ago. What happened to you?” I plead with Oliver, hoping to bring out the gentle man I used to know, instead of the dark creature standing before me.

            “You haunted me Emma.” Oliver’s voice takes on a chilling double timbre, the voice of the demon like an evil echo. “For thirty years you haunted my every waking thought; you haunted my dreams at night. I did everything I could to try to get rid of you. But nothing seemed to work. It was like you were trying to destroy my life … so I had to resort to dark magic. I didn’t want to, but you left me no choice. You left me no way to escape the guilt.”

            “You sold your soul to the devil Oliver! Because of me?! All those years, all I wanted you to do was admit the truth to me. Admit the real reason why you killed me! All you had to do was tell me why you did it, so that I could find peace.” I cry.

            Zak stands frozen in shock as the two voices echo in his head. Everything he knows about spirits tells him that he shouldn’t be able to hear the voices so clearly; that they should be nothing but whispers.

            “I did admit the truth to you Emma!” Oliver bellows, the demon gone from his voice. “While standing on a chair with a noose around my neck, I told you why I did what I did! Why can’t you let it go?! You know why you can’t let this go Emma? You can’t let this go because you are a vindictive, manipulative bitch!” Oliver snaps. “It’s your fault I died Emma! It’s your fault!” Oliver turns and charges at Zak, disappearing into his chest. Zak screams in pain, dropping to his knees.

            “No!” Emma screams. She failed. She failed to stop Oliver from possessing Zak. God only knows what kind of damage Oliver will do. "I don't believe you Oliver. I don't believe that you killed me to save me from disease. I think you killed me because I was getting out before you. I think it ate you up inside to know that I was leaving Placid Hills, and leaving you. You're selfish Oliver, you always have been. You wanted to keep me here forever, and you knew killing me was the way how. I've been trapped in this hell-hole for a hundred years! A century Oliver! I've been alone all those years; never able to be reunited with Eleanor." Emma remarks, attempting to coax Oliver from his newest vessel.

Two pairs of footsteps race towards them, alerted by Zak's scream. Nick and Aaron know that something must be terribly wrong. They just hope they can reach Zak in time.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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