Part 5

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Someone next to Trey unexpectedly awakened him. He had fallen asleep right after take-off. Not yet focused, it took Trey a minute to figure out who the individual was that had interrupted his nap. Before his eyes closed there was an elderly man that sat next to him. However, the person now beside him was Carrington Howell. Carrington, a pretty brunette, with killer cigarette girl legs, like from the old-time movies, was a college classmate of his. More or less, anything in pants was Carrington’s type of man. She had many admirers to choose from but she chose to toy with the guys interested in her.  Her infatuation only lasted long enough until something better came along. Her antics turned Trey off, and her continuous efforts towards him were all in vain. One thing he did admire about her was the fact that she was smart and always on target. She definitely would be one fine lawyer. He admired her drive and the work she put out when they were in college. She wasn’t the lawyer he was, but in time she could be.

“Carrington, Carrington Howell?”

 “Long time no see. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. I saw you when you got on the plane but there was so much congestion that I could not walk over to say hello. Fortunately for me the nice gentleman sitting next to you got up to visit the little boy’s room. So on his way back we had a brief chat and he was nice enough to trade seats with me.”

“Yes that sounds like a typical Carrington move, you’re still the same. Well I know you’re doing fine in your career because I recently just read something about you being one of your firm’s top-notch lawyers. I know some lucky guy have to be in your life, Carrington?"

“Are you kidding me? That someone should have been you. Don’t you know that you broke my little old heart when you and, um…, what was her name?”

“You know for a fact that it would never have worked out between us, Carrington. You’re a wild woman who preyed on the innocent, won them over and then tossed them aside.”

“But you were different Trey, we were soul-mates and you didn’t even see it. We would have lasted forever but you never even gave us a chance. Oh yes, Angelic (An-Ge-Leek), that’s her name. As soon as she came into the picture that was it for me. You know I still haven’t gotten over that.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but you should know that Angelic and I are now happily married and expecting a little one of our own.”

“Well, I guess congratulations are in order. But in case the family thing doesn’t work out, my number is in the phone book.” At that note Carrington leaned over and whispered something into Trey’s ear and then looked at him dead on with this enticed smile. Trey’s face was slightly red. Nope, he wasn’t going there with her today.

“So where are you coming back from?”

“Business trip in Jersey, you know how that is for us lawyers. But I can‘t wait to land and be back home in sweet old Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sometimes the traveling can get a little redundant…but then again I do love the money I make.”

“I guess that I would have to agree with you on that Carrington. And besides Angelic is here, there’s no other place I want to be.”

Not that he wanted to get into a conversation with Carrington about Angelic, it just sort of slipped out. The last thing he needed was for her to start asking questions so he quickly changed the subject.

“You know you are a pretty damn good lawyer, Carrington. I always knew you would be. Not as good as the man, but you’re good.”

Carrington laughed, “Well thank you, I think you gave me half a compliment there. It means a lot that you notice my work.”  She batted her lashes and teased him, “You still love me don’t you?”

“I’m a partner with my firm Carrington, "Portis, Landis, Bryer & Moretti" (P.L.B.M). Do you think we wouldn’t keep up with our competition? There’s money out there to be made and my firm is the one looking to make it. I’m looking forward to the day when we go up against each other in court. That indeed would be very interesting.”

“Yes, that indeed is something to look forward to. I’m getting chills just sitting here thinking about it,” she smiled.

The flight attendant on the loud-speaker interrupted their conversation. The plane was about to land and everyone needed to buckle up. Once off the plane Carrington and Trey wished each other well. Of course Carrington tried to persuade Trey to join her for a cocktail, but in the end he declined and started his journey home to Angelic.

Angel and Angelic got caught in an unexpected traffic jam on the way home from the doctor’s office. Angelic mentioned to Angel that she felt sick and had not eaten anything since breakfast. There was no telling how long they would be stuck in traffic so Angel decided to get off the parkway at the next exit. There was a nice Italian restaurant close by and she knew Angelic would love the food. She figured that traffic would be better when it came time to depart. It took some maneuvering, but Angel managed to get into the proper lane to make the exit. As Angel veered off the parkway she patted Angelic’s stomach and told the baby to hold on and that food would be there shortly.

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