Movie Night

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It had been a few weeks now since Beca and Chloe became friends again, and it was going good. No fights had broken out, and they seemed even closer than before.

Friday night the Bellas went out to some of the bars near campus. Beca and Chloe headed home early to watch a movie.

"I love those girls but they can party!" Beca said as she unlocked the front door.

"Our nights in are always better." Chloe said with a wink. Beca didn't see that part.

"So what movie are we watching anyways?" Beca knew Chloe loved to pick, so she never even tried.

"I need to get into some comfier clothes first." Chloe started up the stairs and Beca followed.

Chloe started to undress and get into pajama shorts and one of her comfiest tee shirts. It used to be Beca's, but she gave it to Chloe one night and never got it back.

"I can't believe you still have that." Beca said when she saw the shirt.

"Of course I do! It's my favorite."

"Good. Can you help me with this zipper? I can't get it." Beca was wearing a tight black dress, one that Chloe loved.

Chloe unzipped Beca to reveal her smooth, bare back. Chloe loved every part of Beca, especially her body.

"Thanks." Beca then changed into her pajamas and they headed back downstairs.

They snuggled up under a blanket and put on one of Chloe's favorite movies: 10 Things I Hate About You.

"This again?" Beca had seen this movie with Chloe more times than she could count. She didn't actually mind, but she always pretended to.

"You love it." Chloe said with a smirk.

Beca just looked away. She did love this movie, but she would never admit to something so "soft." She really only did like it because it reminded her of Chloe.

By the end of the movie Beca was asleep with her head laying on Chloe's chest.

"Bec?" Chloe whispered.

No response.

"Beca," Chloe rubbed her arm to wake her up.

"Mmm" Beca groaned. She always did this when Chloe woke her up. She loved her sleep.

"Want to head up to bed? It's 1:30."

"Shit sorry," Beca said as she realized her sleeping position. She quickly scooted off of Chloe.

"No it's ok I don't mind. You seemed comfy." Chloe always enjoyed Beca's cuddling.

"It is late though if you want to go up."

Just as Chloe was about to agree, Amy burst in the door.

"What's up guys? Oh. Am I interrupting something?!" Amy said this with a wink. She always thought Beca and Chloe had something going on.

"What? No. Just watching a movie." Beca quickly responded.

Chloe looked over as if she was disappointed at Beca's reaction to the idea of them being more than friends.

"Sure. Well I'm going upstairs, I'll see you two in the morning. Don't have too much fun!" Amy headed up to her room.

"Oh Amy," Beca said.

Chloe hated how much Beca was weirded out by Amy's suspicions.

"I need water and then we can go up." Chloe got up from the couch and waited for Beca to follow. They headed into the kitchen.

As Chloe was filling up her glass in the sink, she had a weird urge to confess her feelings for Beca. It was so random and she couldn't explain why she wanted to right then, but she did.



"Can I say something crazy?"

"You always say crazy things Chlo. Fire away." Beca would never have expected what Chloe was going to say.

"Promise you won't be mad at me?"

"Well now I'm a little scared! You're in too deep though so spill."

"I think I like you Bec. Like... more than friends," Chloe blurted.

Beca stared back at her.

"What?" She thought. She didn't know what to say.

"Beca?" Chloe could tell she was in some sort of daze.

"Uh yeah sorry."

"So..." Chloe was confused. She didn't know why Beca couldn't just say something. Anything.

"Chloe I'm super tired, can we talk about this tomorrow?" Beca felt like shit saying that. She knew how hard it was for Chloe to confess that, but she had no other words to say.

Chloe grabbed her water and walked upstairs without saying anything. She let the tears roll down her cheeks the second she was out of view from Beca.

Beca waited back in the kitchen, still stunned by what had just happened. Did she just throw away their entire friendship?

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