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After Beca left the Bellas, Chloe became the sole leader of the group. They had been successful within the college level of a cappella, but by graduation they had gained a lot of other attention as well.

Studios were reaching out to do collaborations with the Bellas, and they became a household name. Chloe especially had these offers left and right from producers because she had been the "star" of the Bellas.

Chloe had pretty bad anxiety, so she wasn't on board with all of this new fame. She rarely took the deals offered, and instead prioritized vet school.

That was until she got an offer to sing on an upcoming artist's track at Seattle Stars Recording Studio. The studio that Beca had been working at since she left the year before.

Chloe had been going back and forth on whether to accept the offer or not, but the studio was getting impatient. They needed to know now, so Chloe had to make a decision. She was going to Washington.

She knew Beca was there, but something kept her from reaching out. They hadn't talked at all since Beca left. Not a single phone call. Even when the Bellas got together with Beca over winter break, Chloe stayed home.

A couple weeks after Chloe said yes, she was flown out to Seattle. She showed up at the recording studio, hoping she wouldn't run into Beca. She never thought she would ever not want to see Beca.

After she checked in, Chloe walked through the office to get to the recording booth in the back.

"Chloe?" A voice said from behind her.

Chloe kept her eyes forward. She knew that voice.

"Chloe Beale?"

"Fuck." Chloe thought. She turned around to see Beca getting up from her desk.

"Holy shit, Chlo. What are you doing here?" Beca was smiling like she won the lottery. She kind of did, because Chloe was the best prize she could ever ask for.

"I uh- I'm doing something for a song."

"No way! I didn't know you were doing stuff like this. That's awesome!"

"Yeah it's cool..." Chloe looked down.

"I guess I'm probably making you late. How about coffee later? I'd love to catch up."

"How could she be so normal about this?" Chloe thought.

"Sure." Chloe couldn't believe she agreed to that. It sounded miserable to hear about the girl she never got over be so happy without her.

Chloe walked into the studio and recorded her part. It went well, but the entire time she was thinking about Beca.

She walked out keeping her eyes anywhere but Beca's desk. Beca gave her a little wave, but she didn't even notice.

Not even 15 minutes after Chloe left, Beca texted her:

-- I'm off work at 2 today if you want to meet at Peet's around then --

-- Ok --

Chloe sat in her hotel room doing nothing until 2. She couldn't focus on anything knowing she would be sitting down with Beca later that day.

Anxious thoughts ruled Chloe's head as she sat. She let them eat away at her head and her heart.

Chloe categorized her life into three parts. Before Beca, during Beca, and after Beca.

After Beca was the worst period of her life. It consisted of a plethora of anxiety and sadness. Beca kept her sane, and now she had nobody to ground herself.

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